I wonder if a Steven Spielberg directed Star Wars movie from George Lucas would have been any good
I wonder if a Steven Spielberg directed Star Wars movie from George Lucas would have been any good
And if George had made a Han Solo prequel you'd walk into a Disney store and pick up a Han figure that says "I can swing on a vine!" in Shia Lebouf's voice, lol.
TROS just might be the biggest WTF in SW history lol
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The reason Lucas decided to write a treatment for a sequel trilogy is . . . so that he could get more money in selling the franchise. His own words from the past, and when he started negotiating the sale, should make this a pretty indisputable reality for anyone who looks at it objectively.
The ideas he first had back in the early 80's for episodes 7-9 were ditched because he got fed up and decided to end it all with ROTJ instead. That's why he turned Leia into Luke's sister, and sped up other narratives. Then he spent years after the PT making it *very clear* that there was no story left to tell in the Skywalker Saga. Done. Complete. No sequel trilogy plans whatsoever!!
You don't go from emphatically stating several times (over the course of several years!) that "there's no story left to tell after ROTJ" to then saying something like "a sequel trilogy that I always intended in order to complete the whole story." That's just not credible. It's laughable.
By all accounts known so far, plenty of story beats from his treatment were used for the ST anyway, but with some notable changes. All the stuff about the "Whills" and microbiotic universe seems to have been cut entirely (no doubt because of how the concept of midichlorians came across in TPM). For anyone interested in what we know about GL's sequel treatment, and what carried over into the ST, the link below is a great summary.
"He will not divide us" might be a better one.
Who knew Shia was talking about Rian Johnson?
Well I just listened to that supposedly leaked storyline (it was nearly half an hour to listen to on youtube) and if that's legit then yes, biggest WTF would be an affirmative. It may be fake, or partly fake, but it sure lines up pretty closely with every TROS image - leaked and official - that's been seen so far, and quite a few story snippets we know to be true.
Particularly telling is the PT as watching the behind the scenes you can tell no one wanted to disagree with GL. Some of the designs he passed up were incredible....but he walked by them, and choose some other nonsense.
You wanna bring up bad design choices, look at the ST. It's very samey and bland. It's telling the only really good stuff are copied straight from the OT. Not including desert planet #3.
A lot of cool designs never make it out of concept for whatever reason. The Prequels still had a ton of great vehicle, alien, costume, prop and planet designs used in the films. Disney opted for the nostalgia of the "OT aesthetic" and have made their sequels unimaginative and stale.
The second and forth movie they released are Empire vs Rebellion era with the original X-Wings, TIE Fighters and Death Star. The Falcon, X-Wing and TIE Fighter are iconic, but they're overused. This lessened the excitement of seeing them on-screen again. They've become boring.
They modified the Falcon a bit for when Lando owned it. In TROS it has the circular dish again.
Rian tried subversion with TLJ to fool people into thinking they were watching something "fresh" and "exciting". In the end it was still the same old crap, just done worse.
The S*** Trilogy lacks vision. George would have at least given it that.
Yes, the one thing most people can agree on about the PT is the great design.
jye how are you not laughing at seeing kara at the RO complaint desk again, lol.
"He will not divide us" might be a better one.
Who knew Shia was talking about Rian Johnson?
Well I just listened to that supposedly leaked storyline (it was nearly half an hour to listen to on youtube) and if that's legit then yes, biggest WTF would be an affirmative. It may be fake, or partly fake, but it sure lines up pretty closely with every TROS image - leaked and official - that's been seen so far, and quite a few story snippets we know to be true.
Noboday cares your nonsesical diatrible against George along with that usual trash "how bad he was as the film-maker". Obviously you're not the one who created SW universe - childhood to hundred millions of people, and a tremendous source of inspiration to many other ones folloing this cinematography in the first place. Not even take into consideration of the techonlogies used in Prequel films as the springboard for current advancement in motion picture and gaming industry as a whole. Gosh, go watch more Sequel garbages rather than pretending you're intellectual.
And remember, if George didn't sell SW to Disney then there would be no RO, no Solo,