Because we create illusions to help us cope with our lack of choice. We're sad about it because we have feelings and are more sophisticated than other animals (except *******).
Anymore questions?
Why would we be depressed if there's no other option? Other animals don't get depressed.
more human than human
Not true. Go to your local animal shelter and take a look at the lost and unclaimed animal isle. Watch the first 30 min of the Blackfish doc that shows SeaWorld hunting and basically kidnapping Orca calves. I've worked around animals and they also exhibit frustration, anger and even contentment. Just like you.
So, did you choose to forget your wallet or not bring it (because you "didn't need it") or was it predetermined from the start?
Animals don't get depressed on account of not having free will.
I know, I sound just like the kind of person who would be oblivious to animals' feelings, don't I?
That's because most philosophy is wrong.
You know this definitively?
Pork Chop Express said:How do you explain all the previous pages of your pontification.
Pork Chop Express said:I think you underestimate what's been here longer than we have.
Yes, I know that animals don't get depressed because they don't have free will. Do you hear them whining about being dogs and cats the way humans whine about being human?
Since the dawn of time, yes, I had no choice but to forget my wallet at that day and hour. So it was written, so it was done. The universe has a plan for us all, my child. It's plan for me was to make some ornery ***** even more miserable than she already was. Fate is cruel, and sometimes, funny.
The scientific method does not yield results that contradict the foundations of the scientific method. Self-evidency is not a 'gut feeling'. It is the origin from which all other inquiry proceeds.