AAAAAGH! I’m extremely sorry I’ve been away so long. The last part of the year was crazy—bought a new car, redid my kitchen, tried to participate (but didn’t succeed) in nanowrimo then the market blew up (I work for a financial services company). Usually the end of the year is my slow-down time at work and around the house when I can finish all or at least many of the projects I started at the beginning of the year, but things went kablooey instead. Anyway, here’s a quick update on the stuff I have going on. No pics yet, but will try to get some up in the next few days
Gunn - I finished Gunn’s axe. After getting around to watching Apocalypse Nowish a couple of nights ago, I am having some second thoughts about the length of the handle, and it looks like I didn’t get the bolt pattern correct but in general I think it looks okay and can go to mold soon, hopefully over this long weekend (Monday is a market holiday). The shape is pretty unusual and I have to figure out the best way to tackle the handle (i.e., separate from the head or as a one-piece). I also got a couple of Sideshow
gift cards that I used to pick up two AA Buck bodies. I plan to use them with the last couple of heads I don’t sell by themselves to put together a couple of complete figures that, if I can figure out the axe, I want to offer for sale for those of you who do not do your own customs. So it’s all contingent on getting the stupid axe replicated. I will try the mold this weekend. Pictures soon. BTW, I have one unpainted head still for sale and two painted ones.
Vampire Willow (human) – You may recall I picked up about 3 VWs and half a dozen regular Willows on the cheap last year. No, it’s not for my Alyson Hannigan fetish—which I er… don’t have, actually. Ahem. Rather, I am experimenting with “upgrading” the stock figures. The first upgraded figure, Vampire Willow with reworked bodice, boots, and of course, head, is done. Pictures soon.
Wesley – suffered an auto accident. I often take an uncured head or two with me to work to work on during my lunch break (since the end of the year is usually a slow time at work). I usually carry it in a box along with a couple of sculpting tools. Well, one day, I had to brake hard at a stoplight, and Wesley’s head was in the box in my passenger seat, unbelted. He got damaged when his little coffin flew through the cabin and smacked the dashboard. I had worked on him for the better part of 5 hours so it was kind of deflating. I’ve decided to start from scratch on Wesley as a result. Lesson learned, though. Always make sure your passengers are buckled in properly.
In the meanwhile, I am at various stages of completion on a slew of other heads: Willow (version 2), Tara (version 2), Faith (an old project I picked up again but on doing so remembered why I dropped it the first time—she’s a tough portrait), Anya (human). Anya’s uncured, but will be going to the oven pretty shortly, I think. The other three are cured, bald, with ears. I’m at the point with them that I need to concentrate on one if I’m ever going to finish any, so I’m open to suggestions. I’ll post in-progress pictures of each soon.
OK, be back later.