After having to fight a cold when the Incredible Hulk first came out, I finally got to see it today.
I absolutely loved it! The story, dialog, acting, editing, music and directing was great. I felt that Ed Norton made a better Banner then Eric Bana, Ed seemed to have more personality. Tim Roth made a good villain, but I'd like to see more background on his character. Liv Tyler gave a great performance, and looked absolutely beautiful. William Hurt was a very good Ross, and although I do think Sam Elliott played it more intensely, I prefer Ross not being so protective of his daughter, and more self centered and obsessed; that made Ross seem more like a villain.
The CGI was a bit iffy at times though. Sometimes an actor was supposed to be looking at the Hulk and it seemed like they weren't looking directly at him, also it seemed that the Hulk looked more realistic up close than further away. I do prefer the look of this Hulk more then the Shrek looking one in the first movie.
Overall, I like The Incredible Hulk more then the first, but I still like the first one too.
Compared to Iron Man, the Hulk isn't as good but I feel that was because it had to be a very different movie. Stark is much more charismatic and doesn't have to deal with the same melancholy as Banner, so the Incredible Hulk had to be a little less fun. But I was surprised how much humor they did manage to put in.
I wasn't familiar with some of the references in it, I got the super serum stuff but missed the Leader and Doc Samson set ups. I love where they're going with this, I really hope they keep the same exact team and actors for a sequel.