Who watched the premiere? I thought it was a good jump off point, but I wish there was more Walter (Walternate doesn't count). Also, I've said it before and I'll say it again: I think the writers made a bad move in progressing Liv and Peter's romance so quickly. Most of the time when this happens in a serial tv show it tends to write itself into a corner that can only be fixed in a contrived way.
Just watched the premiere for a second time to see things that I missed the first time. So cool to be able to slow down things or freeze frame scenes to see things that stick out. Earth 2 is just packed with crazy stuff. Love the Amber Alert signage. And the protesters in the background too. And JFK stepped down from a position. The dergible that disappeared will probably be making an appearance again, this time in Earth 1. Too cool. Overall, another high mark for Fringe. 9/10.
No dude, the derigible didnt disapear. That was just the shift marker between thier world and our world. The story shifted into our world to focus on Peter, so the camera was supposed to be shifting as well and we the audience were informed of the shift by the lack of a derigible in a similar skyline.
I prefered the love story between peter and Liv's sister in season 1 - or the hint of one, anyway...well, that got dashed under the rug, so the whole 'Liv/Peter' story seems sorta rushed
Liked the season premier - this is a show where you gotta watch 3 in a row anyway..........wouldnt mind spending a lot of time in this other world this season
Just watched the premiere for a second time to see things that I missed the first time. So cool to be able to slow down things or freeze frame scenes to see things that stick out. Earth 2 is just packed with crazy stuff. Love the Amber Alert signage. And the protesters in the background too. And JFK stepped down from a position. The dergible that disappeared will probably be making an appearance again, this time in Earth 1. Too cool. Overall, another high mark for Fringe. 9/10.
Yeah, it was awesome how they tied that back to Season 1 and the gas bomb that solidified in to Amber.
I also like how in the opening scene after the intro, it established the setting as "Manhatan".
So, you gotta wonder. Was it just a spelling mistake that they will stick with, or was that on purpose? It works cause its in the other world, but was it previously established as the spelling for thier world?