I have very little Trek merchandise. All I have is the Diamond Select (I think?) 25th anniversary Wrath of Khan Enterprise, battle-damaged version. Its an excellent replica for the price. I wish they had made a Reliant but I never saw one?? Theres been other ships I would have loved to buy - Enterprises A, B, D, E, Klingon BOP etc but my money is always going elsewhere.
Diamond is is the process of re-releasing some old ships and producing some that didn't see the light of day, to show that there's still life left in the line. I think if they do well, Diamond plans on doing some more. So far they've released a new Klingon BOP (really excellent for the price point!), they are releasing an Enterprise B (excited to see this one), re-releasing the "All Good Things" Enterprise D, which I picked up because I missed it the first time round. They are re-releasing the Enterprise-E, HD TOS Enterprise, and WOK Enterprise refit in the next few weeks. I'm a little jealous that you got the Battle damaged WOK Enterprise, I picked up the regular clean version, missed the WOK and SFS damaged versions - maybe they'll be re-released as well? That WOK Enterprise still holds up as an excellent little ship. No plans for a Reliant (yet?), but if these ships sell well, who knows?
At one point I had some First Contact toys, Enterprise E, Borg Sphere, Phoenix...and the Defiant...I think that might have been released as part of that line. And I had a few crappy figures. Those are all gone though.
The Playmates stuff was barely passable for the time, and just terrible by today's standards. Inaccurate Enterprise E, Phoenix - bleh! Borg Sphere was okay, for what it was. They did make a few gems, but the only reason I hang on to 98% of it is because I haven't had the time to sort the stuff out and get rid it. Would keep the DS9 they made, that was decent. And the Voyager and Defiant, until better ones come along (maybe?).
Voyager I didn't really get into until season 4 with Seven of Nine, Species 8472(?) VS the Borg and so on. Though it didn't take long for that to become just the same ol' $h!t.
To this day, I haven't seen most of seasons 5, 6, and 7 of Voyager. I just couldn't do it any more. Voyager became like all the sub-par episodes of all the other series thrown in a blender. I think that's why I was able to give Enterprise a chance. At it's worst, Enterprise Seasons 1 and 2 were no worse than Voyager, and quite often it surpassed that. Season 3 was weird, but watchable, and Season four really started to get my interest, just in time to be cancelled. Oh well.
Also to this day the Faith of the Heart song just seems like a stupid stupid move. Jerry Goldsmith or Dennis McCarthy or GTFO.
Agreed 110%!