J.J. Abrams' Star Trek Into Darkness

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I'm seeing it and not a big fan of Star Trek so I have a feeling none of what was in there (read some of it) will matter much to me. :lol
Oh, I'll still see it. I've just cross-checked my expectations a bit. And that can never hurt.

I did this with IM3 and I wasn't disappointed...I ended up enjoying it so much, I saw it twice. Then again, as I've gotten older, I've turned my film snobbery down a few clicks.
Oh, I'll still see it. I've just cross-checked my expectations a bit. And that can never hurt.

I can see myself agreeing with that guys article if indeed it plays out as he describes. Yeah I went and spoiled the whole thing on myself, I already knew about the major one so why not.
What a load of tripe. Ignore this.

Well, some would say the gushing fanboy puppylove for Abrams is a load of tripe. And thus ignore him.
Mileage varies . . . :joy

Glad I read the review.
It will save me two hours of my life I couldn't get back.

Nicholas Meyer > J.J. Abrams
(^no surprise here)

Shame about wasting Cumberbatch. :slap

Maximum lensflare, Scotty! :yess:

Well, some would say the gushing fanboy puppylove for Abrams is a load of tripe. And thus ignore him.
Mileage varies . . . :joy

Glad I read the review.
It will save me two hours of my life I couldn't get back.

Nicholas Meyer > J.J. Abrams
(^no surprise here)

Shame about wasting Cumberbatch. :slap

Maximum lensflare, Scotty! :yess:


Based on one article you wont see this?...
I gotta admit...If he disrupted ST for some fans, What will he do to piss fans of Star Wars...LOL...Time travel?...You never know with JJ?...Ahhhhh!
I don't let "critics" dictate what I should and shouldn't watch. I rather watch the movie myself before forming an opinion.
I rather watch the movie myself before forming an opinion.

This is like saying "I like to shower myself before declaring myself clean."

One condition must logically precede the other.

Based on one article you wont see this?...

The fact that this script was written by the teams who created the Bayformers films, Prometheus, and Lost was a giant, glaring reason long before any reviews got posted.

Such a hacktacular assemblage of writers triggered "Red Alert" instantly!

JJ fanboy's prayer: :pray:

"I believe in Abrams. He will explain the smoke monster and it won't turn out that all LOST was about was who was flirting with whom this week. And they will find Walt."

I gotta admit...If he disrupted ST for some fans, What will he do to piss fans of Star Wars...LOL...Time travel?...You never know with JJ?...Ahhhhh!

Knowing Devin is a huge Trekker, it makes sense that a film that doesn't adhere to his fandom leaves him disappointed.

His disliking of the film doesn't even make me mad. I have no idea what I'm going to think about it, i'll go in with the same expectations I had from the start.

I don't mind JJ ****ing with Star Wars. It needs it. I like things to be different. That was the main reason why I enjoyed Prometheus, despite all the weirdness...it was different.
Knowing Devin is a huge Trekker, it makes sense that a film that doesn't adhere to his fandom leaves him disappointed.

Personally, I don't mind JJ ****ing with Star Wars. It needs it. I like things to be different.

That was the main reason why I enjoyed Prometheus, despite all the weirdness...it was different.

I agree......I might not like what I see maybe but no critic or article is gonna stop me from seeing this film after seeing everything ST for over 45 years...I am very interested in this newest take...It better be better than IM3...I hope
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This is like saying "I like to shower myself before declaring myself clean."

One condition must logically precede the other.

The fact that this script was written by the teams who created the Bayformers films, Prometheus, and Lost was a giant, glaring reason long before any reviews got posted.

Such a hacktacular assemblage of writers triggered "Red Alert" instantly!

JJ fanboy's prayer: :pray:

"I believe in Abrams. He will explain the smoke monster and it won't turn out that all LOST was about was who was flirting with whom this week. And they will find Walt."


Well said.

What these Abrhamites fail to realize is the Insult these movies are to a franchise that was started by a man who stepped outside the box to try and tell stories that were thought provoking and dealt with social and political issues. The original Pilot of Star Trek was branded "Too Cerebral" by the Networks. So basically the Networks back in the sixties thought Americans were too stupid to understand a TV show.

Now JJ and his writers have effectively sucked all that was good about Trek out of Trek and given us another mindless action Romp, while at the same time laughing at the masses that have been declared too stupid to understand Star Trek.

So I guess we want the future to be full of War Mongering Races dedicated to blowing S**t up for no good reason, rather than the betterment of mankind itself?
