Yeah, with Kathy Kennedy overseeing things, Lawrence Kasdan back in the fold, a screenplay by a talented scribe (this isn't even the case with the current TREK movies, where the scripts are easily the weakest link), and a director with not only visual flair but the propensity to focus on characters and real emotion... SW EP7 really has no excuse but to be at least miles better than the prequels.
I did not see MAN OF STEEL in 3D, no. They were actually finalizing the conversion when I saw it last month. But I did see it in full HD, and it was grand. I'm not sure how the 3D will turn out, because Zack didn't want to shoot with 3D or digital cameras and insisted on 35mm film. In fact, he didn't want a 3D post-conversion at all, but he lost that particular battle with the studio. So if the 3D sucks, it's on them.

But Zack and his team are doing what they can to make the 3D as good as possible, I hear.