Finally saw this one today...
I've never been a Trekkie... I've always been a Star Wars Fan... Just like J.J...
Now, the first Trek movie was a bit of a hit and miss for me, but Into Darkness, is definitely and amazing feat! Loved the story, the characters are more compelling, the effects are out of this world!! (No pun intended)
In any case, the action, the pace, dialogue and the story are simply put as perfect as a summer movie can get.
Cumberbatch did an amazing job, which adds a lot of layers to this movie. Pine and Quinto have an amazing chemistry, and I gotta say, this gives me high hopes for the upcoming Star Wars movies!
Loved it!
Since I've never been much of a Trek fan, I don't get the negativity... but as a movie, I think it's a great one...!
Awesome review from a non-Trekkie. Yeah, don't get the hate at all