Boy I can't wait to hear from all the Star Wars critics in a few years!![]()
Different writers. I have no issue with JJ himself.
Boy I can't wait to hear from all the Star Wars critics in a few years!![]()
She didn't have anything to work with.
Boy I can't wait to hear from all the Star Wars critics in a few years!![]()
That's not a reboot and there won't be recastings
That film will likely have its own set of issues. Rewriting characters and actors not portraying them as expected won't be one of them.
From what I've seen ... she has plenty to work with. Heh.
I think the whole Carol Marcus thing is much ado about nothing. She's not the same Carol Marcus that was in Wrath of Khan ... she's supposed to be about 20-years younger, less experienced, and not yet knocked-up.
For where they are in the timeline, I thought Carol Marcus was written fine. She'd still be in the "fresh out of school/ daughter of an Admiral" phase.
I think people are making a mistake comparing Into Darkness to Wrath of Khan (not that Abrams didn't ask for it with the reversed radiation thing and the KHAN! scream). But, still this is the first encounter with Khan ... not the second. This was "Space Seed", not Wrath of Khan.
Well, it fails the Bechdel test, so there is present gender bias.
Even as fresh out of school, they could STILL have writte n her with more depth than she showed.
SnakeDoc said:Star Wars fans themselves are a bigger problem than recasting.
From what I've seen ... she has plenty to work with. Heh.
I think the whole Carol Marcus thing is much ado about nothing. She's not the same Carol Marcus that was in Wrath of Khan ... she's supposed to be about 20-years younger, less experienced, and not yet knocked-up.
For where they are in the timeline, I thought Carol Marcus was written fine. She'd still be in the "fresh out of school/ daughter of an Admiral" phase.
I think people are making a mistake comparing Into Darkness to Wrath of Khan (not that Abrams didn't ask for it with the reversed radiation thing and the KHAN! scream). But, still this is the first encounter with Khan ... not the second. This was "Space Seed", not Wrath of Khan.
Why? Poor Sulu and Chekov have done nothing in these movies so far worth getting excited about. Isn't it a bit sexist to complain the woman gets little character development when she's not even a member of the crew? She seemed to have a bigger importance than either of the aforementioned crew members. And Uhura has become a main character along with Kirk and Spock and thrown McCoy to the side. That's not the way the show was and it's one reason I'm not ga-ga over these movies.
I think the whole Carol Marcus thing is much ado about nothing. She's not the same Carol Marcus that was in Wrath of Khan ... she's supposed to be about 20-years younger, less experienced, and not yet knocked-up.
How come everyone praises Urban as Bones for being a great impersonator of Deforrest Kelley and yet Pine and Cumberbatch get off the hook despite probably being the least like their original counterparts of the entire cast.
She's also British now for some reason
Same with Khan. Which for some reason I could except more with Khan then. Probably because he was given more to work with.
I think Pine does Kirk great. He might not sound like Shatner but he embodies the Kirk presence. I think he does a great job and I totally buy him as a young Kirk. His Body movement are also often Kirk like.
I think he is a better Kirk then Quinto is a Spock. Sure he looks a little bit like a pudgy Leonard Nimoy, but he sounds and acts nothing like him. I know, I know, alternate Universe and such. But I am really starting to not like "ready for action" Spock very much.
I think Pine does Kirk great. He might not sound like Shatner but he embodies the Kirk presence. I think he does a great job and I totally buy him as a young Kirk. His Body movement are also often Kirk like.
I think he is a better Kirk then Quinto is a Spock. Sure he looks a little bit like a pudgy Leonard Nimoy, but he sounds and acts nothing like him. I know, I know, alternate Universe and such. But I am really starting to not like "ready for action" Spock very much.
Pine's mannerisms are very much like Shatner's. There were a couple of times his posture and facial expression looked just like Shatner. But, if Pine imitated Shatner's peculiar manner of speaking, it'd sound like he was doing a caricature ... which would be terrible. I want a movie with Kirk ... not Chris Pine trying to do Kevin Pollack's Shatner impersonation.
I don't really care about the accent. Maybe the Nero incident changed where Admiral Daddy was stationed while she grew up, so she went to school with Brits. Who knows? Who cares?
that's EXACTLY Why they need to be more than slightly two-dimensional. you could take the two of them completely out ofthe film, and replace them with nameless redshirts, and the film wouldn't suffer that much for it. That's kinda bad, and to me feels like lazy writing.
Can you name a specific moment for either of them that REALLY sticks with you ?
But Urban imitates Deforrest Kelley and no one has a problem with that. I certainly don't.People are just too used to the exaggerated impressions people do of Shatner. His way of speaking isn't really as wierd as those guys make people think.