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Re: J.J. Abrams' Star Trek

Exactly what I thought.

Personally I've never cared for Shatner except when he's making fun of himself or singing. Plus leaving him out of the film got him all flustered and ranting in the press which was fun for me to read. :monkey5

*possible spoiler*

Anyone read how this film is tied into The City On The Edge Of Forever episode, my personal favorite Star Trek ep? JJ Abrams rocks!

Do tell! If you dont wanna spoil anything you can PM me the info. :monkey3
Re: J.J. Abrams' Star Trek

Before I begin I haven't read all the posts so if I cover something that has been said before please don't yell at me or throw broken medicom spidey pieces (sorry Lerath)
I'm on the fence with this one. I like the franchise and I don't really think it has been Justice lately. Voyager and Enterprise were awful, and Nemesis kinda dropped the ball.

The plot of the new movie appears to be that Eirc Bana, a Romulan named Nero, takes his team to the past and old Spock travels back too to stop him from mucking up things. Those of you who remember when Spock was on Next Gen he was working with the Romluans to reunify them with Vulcan.

Anyway they meet up with Pike about to court marshall Kirk for the whole Kobiashi Maru thing. I think this has potential. No it's not exactly the StarFleet adcademy movie they promised but it's an interessting take on how to continue the story.

Anyway, my Wife is a Trekkie, I'm not talking just a fan. My wife could tell you every Captain of the Enterprise, what kind of vessels they were, and tell you the specs and weapons, well you get the idea

She's furious because Pike is going to be way older than Kirk, apparently they went to Starfleet together, and that The Enterpriase is going to be in the movie when neither man had the ship at the time the movie is supposed to take place.

Star Trek's problem is that it has become a corporate whore. At Least Star Wars has Lucas at the helm at all times and no stupid studio monkey who thinks he can write can screw things up. Also I believe that Star Trek is great, it's iconic yada yada. IN my opinion it has always been on the verge of great storytelling but drops the ball at the last second. The Dominio War was thier best arc I think. But when I'm done watching the show it doesn't stay with me. StarWars has held my attention for years. I'm obsessed with it. Star Trek is kinda like " OKay that's cool" then the movie or show is over and i'm over it. I don't wait patiently for each new installment.

And Star Trek is way too politically correct. The Federation as a whole always has the uinverse's best interest at heart. We have abandoned all our hatred and bigotry. Babylon 5 was way more believable, Earth gets it's first victory in a war right after they begin exploring the universe and we think we are the end all be all of the galaxy. The during the Earth Civil war arc, the president nearly destroys the planet when his power is threatend. Star Trek never questions how Earthlings would truly react with so much power. Then again I'm a pesimist, that and I got a hug from Claudia Christian at dragoncon and she's still hot.

Anyway I'll give the new movie a shot, and continue to listen to my wife Yell and holler about how they have trashed her religion.
Re: J.J. Abrams' Star Trek

Anyone read how this film is tied into The City On The Edge Of Forever episode, my personal favorite Star Trek ep? JJ Abrams rocks!

It was rumored, but has since been debunked. The Harlan Ellison owns all rights to the non-Trek characters. I believe he is suing Paramount already because of the use of Edith Keiler in some Trek-Lit and was furious when he heard the rumors about the movie. He looked into it and found out that none of his characters (which includes the Guardian) were going to be used in the new movie.

I got chills watching this teaser, but I kind of wished they hadn't gone the whole "history of space exploration" real audio clips. Smacked a bit too much of "Enterprise".

I loved how they did that in Enterprise, and I'm glad it made it to the new movie. Enterprise didn't have many endearing qualities, but the opening sequence (minus the music :monkey4 ) was definitely the best, imo.
Re: J.J. Abrams' Star Trek

It was rumored, but has since been debunked. The Harlan Ellison owns all rights to the non-Trek characters. I believe he is suing Paramount already because of the use of Edith Keiler in some Trek-Lit and was furious when he heard the rumors about the movie. He looked into it and found out that none of his characters (which includes the Guardian) were going to be used in the new movie.

Cool. I love Harlan. He's such a lovely, pissy, talented guy. It's always entertaining when he gets in a huff, which is often. I wonder how they'll tie it into the original show now?
Re: J.J. Abrams' Star Trek

I loved how they did that in Enterprise, and I'm glad it made it to the new movie. Enterprise didn't have many endearing qualities, but the opening sequence (minus the music :monkey4 ) was definitely the best, imo.

Kabuki, if you liked Enterprise but hated the opening music check this out:

Enterprise Opening Redo - Youtube

I believe there is also one somewhere of the original opening with just new music.

Ok this is like the 10th time I edited one post but here is the original opening with a redone score, apparently Paramount Sanctioned:

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Re: J.J. Abrams' Star Trek

Thanks for the links, Memnoch. The first one was nice but didn't really do it for me. The second link brought a tear to my eye (I'm a bit of a wuss :lol ). Aside from timing issues at the very beginning and end, it's what the opening should have been.

I doubt it's "official" though because it's just the opening with the overture from Generations dubbed over it.

Has a composer been announced for the new Trek movie? If there's one thing that every Trek movie has not disappointed in, it's the music. Imo, the scores from all the Trek movies are great to listen to even if you did not enjoy the film. I think I'll go on record as saying the Trek movies provide the best scores in all of sci-fi.
Re: J.J. Abrams' Star Trek

I guess I'm one of the few who actually enjoyed Enterprise. I thought it was really good by the last season.
Re: J.J. Abrams' Star Trek

I liked Enterprise too.. and the last season really shone as being the most "Trek Like" but the finale was a cop out and just very bad. That being said though, I wouldn't mind if this new Star Trek is planned as a "reboot" if they mention Archer or something and at least give a nod to the "past".
Re: J.J. Abrams' Star Trek

Oh man, I forgot "These Are the Voyages..." :fart

Okay, so Evil Alien Nazis and "These Are the Voyages..." aside, season 4 was good.

For those of you that felt as raped as I did with the last episode, I really recommend "The Good that Men Do" by Andy Mangels and Michael A. Martin. It really does a great job of giving a proper reason for Trip's death.
Re: J.J. Abrams' Star Trek

I liked Enterprise too.. and the last season really shone as being the most "Trek Like" but the finale was a cop out and just very bad. That being said though, I wouldn't mind if this new Star Trek is planned as a "reboot" if they mention Archer or something and at least give a nod to the "past".

I think a mention of Archer would be cool, but how many people would even know who he was? :D

And yeah, the last episode was a let down. They could have done so many other things to end the show.
Re: J.J. Abrams' Star Trek

I bet Zefram Cochrane is mentioned at least once and how many people going into this movie will really know who he is? Ask any Star Trek fan and, love or hate, they will probably know who Archer was. I think I even read that they are trying to keep a balance between nods for fans and excitement for new butts in the seats.
Re: J.J. Abrams' Star Trek

Thanks for the links. :duff

It does look like it's being built terrestrially. I guess it's kind of hard to miss the fact that they aren't wearing any type of spacesuits. :lol That and that they appear to be walking around normally and not in any type of weightlessness. I'm also guessing all the lights in the background are the SF shipyard.
Re: J.J. Abrams' Star Trek

Okay, I must be ignorant because I've never been able to get an HD trailer to play in real time. I have a fast cable modem and a decent computer, but even if I allow plenty of time for it to download, it always just shows stutter frames on play back. What's the secret to HD trailers on the internet?
Re: J.J. Abrams' Star Trek

Okay, I must be ignorant because I've never been able to get an HD trailer to play in real time. I have a fast cable modem and a decent computer, but even if I allow plenty of time for it to download, it always just shows stutter frames on play back. What's the secret to HD trailers on the internet?

I just use Quicktime and it plays instantly. :dunno

It looks great in HD, btw.