Now it has been a few days after seeing the movie, I keep thinking about this new alternative future.
The first one that springs to mind is that somebody will still have to travel back in time to get some Humpbacked whales.
And seeing that Vulcan doesn't exist anymore, Spock couldn't undergo the mind-body transfer thing (sorry, forgot the technical term), so he will remain a vegetable after Genesis explodes.
We could assume that the gang never encounters Khan, everything has really altered, except, as Dino has so astutely pointed out, the "whale-probe" arriving that has no connection with any events except the extermination of whales which has already happened in this timeline.
So... good chance that Earth will perish in the year 2286, as only Spock seemed to come up with the solution at the critical moment and was in a position to do something about it.
OR a healthy Spock, never encountering Khan and having to go through his own personal real-life Kobayashi Maru, will be able to save the day anyway.
Who is to say Kirk has a son with Dr.Marcus then? and i think that prevents the Genesis project from even happending and the probe coming to seek out humpback whales is now totally erased i think..this is a clean slate now and i think the events in the other timeline are not going to happend in this new one.
Khan does exist though--he and his followers are out there asleep in that old space ship.
What follows next would be the TV show, not the movies.
Plus, if Pine's Kirk finds him the way his persona is in this first film, the events would unfold much differently. Kirk was quite diplomatic in Space Seed, caluclating, studying, but this new young Kirk is so headstrong, I imagine a Kirk-Khan face off would unfold much differently and would be quite interesting, but Khan has to be written very similar, that's what made him work, the intellectual, ^^^^, arrogant super being.
What's funny is that Kirk is like that as well. He is arrogant and flashy (much like Han Solo) so seeing him with a villain this way would be interesting because it'd be one interstellar game of chicken.
Now it has been a few days after seeing the movie, I keep thinking about this new alternative future.
The first one that springs to mind is that somebody will still have to travel back in time to get some Humpbacked whales.
The way I see it, at least three things SHOULD still happen. 1 - Khan is still around somewhere. 2 - V'ger will still come to Earth. 3 - the probe will still come looking for whales. These are events that had no connection to anything in the time line as they were events set about even before the time line change.