Statue J Scott Campbell Classic Spiderman Comiquette

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Whatever happened to the old adage 'Break the mold'?
Once a true Limited Edition piece has finished production that thing should be smashed to bits. Not saved for future 'Milking' purpose.

Not SS unfortunately. BD did this of course but not with the same ed sizes, or price.

Times like this I do give XM credit on how they operate.
Not SS unfortunately. BD did this of course but not with the same ed sizes, or price.

Times like this I do give XM credit on how they operate.
Too bad our wallets would take a ripe ass ****ing trying to get it here to N.A.

Sent from the Cockpit of the Millenium Falcon
Any guess on ES?

I say 500.

Youre delusional. Try at least 2500. Sideshow is so shady these days. I am really being cautious about future purchases. Variants at these price points are just milking and not honest of them imo. Whatever, Im sure others love this which will only teach them to make more variants.
i feel sad for people who hype over Boba fett. and sudennly there will be variant of him. maybe white boba.
I understand why people get upset over variants, but I also understand that Sideshow is a company built to make money, like all businesses. You can't really call them out for making money and if variants actually bother you, don't buy them.

Here's a couple of quote from Sideshow's IGO from SF on variants -

"A lot of times we don't know going into it if we're doing a variant or not. Sometimes it's after the fact and we can still have things go up together (like Red, Green and Grey Hulk) sometimes we don't (like King vs Gladiator Hulk) where we thought we could get them into the same box, we couldn't, then we thought we'd only make the one, then we made up the remaining bits we needed for the variant after the fact.

In a perfect world, yes, we try to make the customers as happy as possible, get the best out of variant plays, giving options and not shooting ourselves in the foot. Sometimes it doesn't happen.

VS, if the WW variant comes out and you want to get it over a second regular WW, I hope you can get your money back on the secondary market. Truly I do. Not sure why getting two of her is totally necessary unless one is for home and one is for work, not judging, but if the intention is to flip one for a profit down the line and you're worried about it's value going down and you not being able to make a profit from our labors on the extra, then I really don't care if that works in your favor or not.

Theres the argument too that we shouldn't revisit characters that are "grails" to begin with, like Dr Doom, doing a TOTALLY new one still has some people in a rage because they're worried about the value of the original. So yah, never gonna make everyone happy."


"I honestly dont feel bad for anyone that buy two of anything and wanted to know ahead of time... first world problems right there.

There are variants coming up in the future that will be announced and shown with the non-variant version, similar to the Hulk trio. Weird, it's like, we're trying NOT to piss fans off and give them what they want sometimes, SOMETIMES...."
well this is a forum people can type whatever felling they have. and also true for ssc, they can produce as many statue they want, in the end is us the customer who decide whether we want to to buy from ssc anymore.
I think for the most part it did pretty well.

For me, I think it did well because it matched exactly JSC's art.
Man, I'm getting a bit sick of this variant ploy with Sideshow.
I'd much prefer, like they did with the Hulk preview, that we are shown whats on offer and have the option to choose which one we want.

I was dying to get a spiderman comiquette and wasn't disappointed.
Now they reveal another variant, which looks just as cool but if I had the choice which one would I go for?

If I could go back and make a more informed choice, I probably could have scored another character safe in the knowledge that I would have Spidey options later on. I do understand why SS do this, but dang!! Still stings a bit. It's not so much that I'm annoyed they do variants, just that I feel that they've taken advantage of my keen collector instincts and served a suckerpunch 6 months down the line.
All very well saying don't buy if you don't like variants but noone knew when the original JSC went up for pre-order.
Fair enough if they're upfront like with the three Hulk PFs. Part of the reason I passed on them.

Also find it interesting that the same people that are not happy with this news then call for Sideshow to do a 1:4 Spidey varient :lol
'I don't agree with varients unless it's a piece I missed out on' :slap
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I totally agree with offer both at the same time so you can make an informed decision. Glad I really didn't have to have this variant other wise I'd be pissed.
All very well saying don't buy if you don't like variants but noone knew when the original JSC went up for pre-order.
Fair enough if they're upfront like with the three Hulk PFs. Part of the reason I passed on them.

Also find it interesting that the same people that are not happy with this news then call for Sideshow to do a 1:4 Spidey varient :lol
'I don't agree with varients unless it's a piece I missed out on' :slap

Dhaval is the only one calling for a 1/4 variant.

Between the 4 figure min ES and reissues anytime a statue sold relatively well there is no collectibility left with sideshow.
Destroyous, DHAVAL, Jedi...

DHAVAL actually started a thread on the subject and the majority voted for a revisit/variant of the 1:4 Comi.
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Dhaval is the only one calling for a 1/4 variant.

Between the 4 figure min ES and reissues anytime a statue sold relatively well there is no collectibility left with sideshow.

Don't forget mister"I hate ALL VARIENTS"mark who wants a varient of the original com because he missed out ... lol
Don't forget mister"I hate ALL VARIENTS"mark who wants a varient of the original com because he missed out ... lol

again its simple question if they made variant of every spiderman released so far including J scott- Spidy PF- back in black - Spidy dio. only left old Spiderman Comiquette then why not make variant of it. yes i do care coz i missed it but its possible variant as they have given variant treatment to other spidy released. I missed on hULK Pf(Variant already made) Cap Pf- Thor PF ....... am i asking to make variant of them?
I also hate variant thing but now i used to it. with sideshow this is happening Open Edition size- Edition size increased- variants coming...... now used to it. those old days r gone when everyone is ready to preorder statues on day 1st...... now most of us wait till statue released.
tis the second spidey on a wall pose right? why people want a variant on this when its basically still new? ebay is ur friend!