ES, and scale and value and all this nonsense going on here...Look here now, enough is enough! This is SPIDER-MAN!!!! And if you're not a true SPIDER-FAN, GTHO!!!!
If you're on the fence because of the possible (and probable) high ES, then don't order at all. You are not Worthy. True Spider-Fans don't care how many of these there will be, because we will have him anyway.
If you're only ordering because now there's an EX, stop and go do something else. You are not Worthy.
If you're only getting this because you know Spider-Man is super popular (
of course he is!) and you're concerned about how it will increase in value in the future, then you already know...and the Spider-Fans hate you... don't order because YOU are NOT Worthy!!!!
Amazing... Spectacular... Sensational... Ultimate... Superior... Astonishing... He holds all of these titles. Even FRIENDLY, which I could only hope to one day become, the Spirit of Lord Parker willing.
If not for the LOVE of Spidey, don't bother, for you have been judged by all of the Spider-Fans, and YOU ARE NOT WORTHY!
Let the Venomous posers laugh. The true Spider-Fans are laughing right back at you and your moral ineptitude. You could never walk in Lord Parker's bright, shinning light, Ben rest is Soul.
And if you're only getting this to substitute for that guy over there in my avatar...LoL, well now your just fooling yourself!!!

GO for the GRAIL!!!!
(PS CONGRATS Spidey976! It's a wonderful feeling to finally open that bad boy up! Very happy for you)