Jabba 12" Image Thread

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Hey y'all. I have a commissioned repaint of Jabba that just arrived, and I thought it would be the perfect opportunity to do some comparison shots between the original and my repaint before I set to work.




I'd love to see your work in person Mikey, looking at those shots, I know the Sideshow Jabba paint looks better as I turn to my side and look at mine, can only imagine how much better your paint would look in person as awesome as it looks already.
Wow, that is some insanity right there... Sideshow Jabba almost looks like my Vintage Kenner in comparison :lol

Still the paint work from Sideshow is now slouch, but amazing how much more one could do with that fabulous sculpt! Kickass work mikey :rock :rock
Night and day, Mikey. Your work really brings out Jabba.

And I love what you did to the eyes. The SS one has such wide pupils he kind of looks shocked. I like your narrow pupils much better.

Cool to see Jabba come back to life on the boards this way.

Damn you, sir. Damn you to hell. Now I have to repaint mine. Grrrrr!

Sideshow Jabba almost looks like my Vintage Kenner in comparison :lol

That was my first impression and the reason it must be repainted. It just looks so much more like Jabba now.

Nope. Just slapped the paint right on top. Factory paint is so thin, there's hardly anything to be gained by stripping him except sore muscles.

I never strip them either. The original paint usually makes a pretty nice base coat to work from.

Very inspiring work.
:google...........thats the stuff prop replicas are made of plus. awesome job CM...........:bow

Nope. Just slapped the paint right on top. Factory paint is so thin, there's hardly anything to be gained by stripping him except sore muscles.

Yeah, I've never stripped anything I've repainted. I did prime mine white (see earlier pages) since it seems to give the paint a better surface to stick to and I think having a white base makes the colors pop more. And even that, plus several coats of new paint, doesn't obscure the detail noticeably.
I never found that the primer improved the paint one iota, but everyone has a system that works for them, and your repaint is beautiful!
I wanted to make a note on Jabba that I haven't seen anyone do on a repaint.

Jabba's "suckers" on the underpart of tail and belly are supposed to be red as seen here. Most people just paint them the yellow/orange color without this detail.
