Jabba 12" Image Thread

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In an effort to help my fellow Jabba fanatics get through this trying wait period, I've decided to share another Jabba I'd love to see in 3D format :)

haha, I love that show. Shame American Dad got cancelled, I thought it was even funnier.
you know, when Leia was choking his silly but, why didn't he just lean backwards and crush her? That would've been awesome.

You have the 2 greatest death scenes in the history of movies: Boba being punked by a blind guy and go screaming like a girl to his death as a burb joke, and Leia squashed by a large slug.
you know, when Leia was choking his silly but, why didn't he just lean backwards and crush her? That would've been awesome.

I've been thinking about that too. It'd have been amazing to have seen Jabba thrashing around with Leia holding on for dear life, aliens jumping out of the way! That'd've been amazing!

But I seem to recall reading that Jabba's vices had become so numerous that he'd actually lost much of his mobility. Lookingat him, I believe it. So, it's kind of like she's choking a paraplegic.
Me too mikey, Jabba was ripe for the picking... lets face it a big ass slug with limited mobility was an easy target...
Huh, never thought of it that way...for me it was just the fact that she kills him, its obvious he isn't very mobile so in the melee she could have escaped and ran away, its not like he was going to chase her not to mention that the sail barge explodes anyway I doubt you would have seen a large slug leaping from it. She kind of just killed him to kill him....:lol
So she killed a unarmed slug that could do her no harm. And she went on to become a Jedi in the pEU?
Even if Jabba were mobile, we saw his speed in TPM and ANH and i don't see him having much fight power, hence all the goons to get his back. Even his tail isn't very useful, not like an ALIEN tail where it has speed and the ability to take people out. For those who don't understand, I capitalized the word to indicate the Xenomorph race of the Alien films.
If Jabba had lived, he would have had Bounty Hunters chasing them anywhere they went. Leias definitely made the smart move. Jabba was dangerous, no question.
Well, I got word back from SSC customer service today about Jabba and not really news persay but the deal is they're expecting him early Feb, which is only like a week and a half away, thankfully, and then the other shipments will arrive and ship out in the subsequent weeks, which explains his duel listing as in 30 days and Feb/Mar release. PLEASEEEEEEE let mine be on that first boat, I'll swim to China to get this thing in my hands.
Customikey said:
If Jabba had lived, he would have had Bounty Hunters chasing them anywhere they went. Leias definitely made the smart move. Jabba was dangerous, no question.
I don't think he would have made it out anyways. Especially in that explosion, but then we'd be having EU stories of Jabba's escape! :lol

Jabba the Cyborg! :rotfl
MaulFan said:
Well, I got word back from SSC customer service today about Jabba and not really news persay but the deal is they're expecting him early Feb, which is only like a week and a half away, thankfully, and then the other shipments will arrive and ship out in the subsequent weeks, which explains his duel listing as in 30 days and Feb/Mar release. PLEASEEEEEEE let mine be on that first boat, I'll swim to China to get this thing in my hands.

Wonder when the other retailers will get theirs?
I read somwhere that having Leia choking Jabba was George Lucas paying tribute to his friend and fellow director Francis Ford Coppola. Specifically the scene in The Godfather part 1 where Luca Brazzi is choked from behind.
I'm wondering if someone is going to re-cast that throne so it won't cost us mere mortals to get one. LOL!
stshammgod said:
I'm wondering if someone is going to re-cast that throne so it won't cost us mere mortals to get one. LOL!

I'd say highly unlikely. You won't catch me taking my $200 slab and immersing it in silicone!