Jada Toys - Street Fighter line

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I hear that Sagat and Blanka could be shipping from Aliexpress as soon as late Jan...šŸ˜²
If you track the timing of the shots of wave 3, that makes sense. We'll probably see in hand reviews in early feb and they should start shipping from the usual suspects in late march/early april. Wonder when the PO goes up on BBTS. Probably waiting for promo pics. I remember Jun mentioning that was the hold up for POs of wave 3.
The GameStops in my city are now stocking these so my collection has begun:


I have to play catch up now. I think (aside from my three) Ryu, Bison, Fei Long, and Dee Jay have been released so far. Am I correct?
You're missing Cammy and Guile. Sagat and Blanka soon to follow
Some of the best 6 inch figures on the market and some of the best bang-for-your-buck.

I don't do 1/12th scale as much these days, but I may have to grab Blanka at least.
Some of the best 6 inch figures on the market and some of the best bang-for-your-buck.

I don't do 1/12th scale as much these days, but I may have to grab Blanka at least.
Jada definitely the best bang for the buck and excellent articulation. Theyā€™ve forced Storm to counter with their Alpha figures.

Aesthetically speaking, I prefer the Storm figures better since they look more true to the video game. But I might be dead by the time Storm completes the SF2 line. :lol
I looked all around my city and besides the 3 I already have, there's just Ken and Bison variants. I did find one Dee Jay but the chest piece looked discoloured compared to the rest of the torso so I passed. If that's how they all look, then I'll pick one up anyway, but I had nothing to compare this one to.