So is he going to be holding a gun? Hopefully you will be able to switch it out.
I may be out of the loop, but last I checked I thought that Steve Rogers is back as head of S.H.I.E.L.D., not as Captain America.
I'm pretty sure when the Secret Avengers book ends, the finale will deal with Steve Roger going from being the Commander back to Captain America, where he would lead the main Avengers team again. Then they'll probably cancel Secret Avengers and spawn two more Avengers titles![]()
Correct. I never said otherwise.
Don't want to ruin any of the current story for anyone that hasn't gotten around to reading it yet.
From what I've read of the advance solicitations the next story arc in Captain America will be the Trial of the Winter Solider. Currently Baron Zemo has publicly exposed that the new Captain America was formerly the Winter Solider and the terrorist acts he was responsible for. Not sure where it will all lead to, but I can easily see Bucky stepping down as Captain America at the end of it. If the Secret Avengers book continues on I could easily see Bucky in some new persona on this team with Steve Rogers going back to Captain America on the Avengers. Don't really see Steve as the type of guy that would run S.H.I.E.L.D. for all that long.
Hmmm, I would imagine that you're working under the assumption that the Marvel film department actually cares about what is happening in the comics (today, or ever). Given how loosely based some Marvel movie themes are tied to actual comics lore, I can't imagine the producers caring all that much to what is happening in comics today... lol
...Organic web shooters... Doom as a business man... Hulk who literally grows as tall as a house... Sue Storm dating Doom... the Sandman link to the death of Uncle Ben... Joker killing the Waynes... Lois Lane having Superman's child... I can go on and on... lol.
I was agreeing with you, and adding to what you said in response to TOE's post.
Hence thelecture)
...and thus, the same old, same old status quo is fulfilled. Viva comicdom.![]()
Which is a little sad. I had hopes that with the changes that were instituted at the return that they'd leave things alone for a while once.
Hmmm, I would imagine that you're working under the assumption that the Marvel film department actually cares about what is happening in the comics (today, or ever). Given how loosely based some Marvel movie themes are tied to actual comics lore, I can't imagine the producers caring all that much to what is happening in comics today... lol
...Organic web shooters... Doom as a business man... Hulk who literally grows as tall as a house... Sue Storm dating Doom... the Sandman link to the death of Uncle Ben... Joker killing the Waynes... Lois Lane having Superman's child... I can go on and on... lol.
Don't want to ruin any of the current story for anyone that hasn't gotten around to reading it yet.
From what I've read of the advance solicitations the next story arc in Captain America will be the Trial of the Winter Solider. Currently Baron Zemo has publicly exposed that the new Captain America was formerly the Winter Solider and the terrorist acts he was responsible for. Not sure where it will all lead to, but I can easily see Bucky stepping down as Captain America at the end of it. If the Secret Avengers book continues on I could easily see Bucky in some new persona on this team with Steve Rogers going back to Captain America on the Avengers. Don't really see Steve as the type of guy that would run S.H.I.E.L.D. for all that long.