screamingmetal said:
Douglas I didn't feel insulted just thought you should have more information.
I have to ask you, why is it that Christians or any other religious people feel so obligated to convert people not of their faith? I find that just as insulting as you would find someone who attempts to disprove your faith.
Just as with everything in life, there are those who take it to the extreme. Some people of faith do spend their lives trying to convert others. Some go so far as to force it down people's throats. While I think that comes from a misplaced sense of altruism, i.e. "I know that you are going to be punished, I must save your soul", it can be just as bad as some Atheist perspectives. Now, I personally blame religion more for this perspective - remember I said I was a person of faith ... however, I care not for the trappings of religion. But I can see where that would irritate others. Remember, faith gives people reason to live. Religion gives people reason to kill (i.e. the Crusades, The Inquisition, Islamic suicide bombings, and the list goes on). Also, many Christians get caught up in spreading the message. Jesus didn't try to force anyone to accept his message. He delivered it to the people and left it up to them to accept or not. That's how I approach my faith. One of the things that irritates me about some atheist (and I am not saying you are like this .. just these people exist much like Religious fundamentalist on the opposite end of the spectrum) is they use this belief in non-existence to justify a selfish life. "Well, since I cease to exist when I die, I have to enjoy everything now. It's all about me." I believe faith makes you a better person ... it shows you that there are reasons to be good. You are part of a greater good and are working towards something. Call it a reward if you like. And once again, that where faith and religion differ. Religion makes you a better person through fear. "You will burn in Hell if you do not live better." Faith teaches you their are consequences to your actions and that we must work together to reach happiness. I know that may not make sense to many. I have my beliefs ... I just sometimes am not articulate enough to explain them.
screamingmetal said:
You only got one part of the definition of theory, as it applies to science, from Webster: a plausible or scientifically acceptable general principle or body of principles offered to explain phenomena <the wave theory of light>
Scientific Theories are explainable by Mathematics, they show that some result should be a rule, but without direct observation of that result or some incomplete parts, it remains theory.
I do not want to get into an argument over this, but in my mind its the same thing. Can you prove to me that the Big Bang happened? Can you show me physical evidence that it happened? Can you recreate so that I can see it? No. Remember, a scientific theory only remains a theory until it can be proven with concrete, visual data. Then it becomes a scientific fact. The reason its called the wave theory of light is that we do not have equipment sensitive enough to prove it exists. We are basically trusting the theory based on our faith in the concept. How is that so much different that trusting in the belief of a God? I cannot visual "see" God, but I can see his effects on the world and, to a lesser degree, on men's hearts and souls. Therefore, I believe. I do not need visual proof that God exists because he is plausible to me, much like you do not need to see visual proof that the wave theory of light exists.
So, most of the ideas and theories that Atheist try to use to disprove faith must be ... well, taken on faith. I find it hard to believe that you can discount the unproven with more unproven. As for your new definition, it's still based on believing something that cannot be proven. What makes a Scientific or Mathematical theory "plausible"? It's a person's faith in the system that hypothesis is based on. Well, I have seen things in my life that make the belief in an unseen deity "plausible."
And since the definition itself used the word phenomena, lets focus on it for a moment. Phenomena is most often used to explain the unexplainable in science. Something that seems to go against our pre-conceived notions about science. Well, to me, it seems that is the same as faith. You accept that the Big Bang phenomena happened billions of years ago, yet have no proof. I believe God caused the creation of the universe (which I am comfortable calling the Big Bang) billions of years ago ... and I accept that it cannot be proven. I don't need proof. I am willing to believe it based on faith alone.
To summarize, I agree whole-heartily that some people take religion too far ... and I would not fault you for being offended by that. Religion has done more harm to Faith that anything else in the history of man. In fact, I would go so far as to hypothesis that atheism is a direct response to the trappings of religion. I have a friend who lost his Faith because of bad experiences in church as a child. However, if you can look past the man-made trappings of religion to its purest form - i.e. Faith, you will see the "logic" behind my beliefs. However, I am not going to force it down your throats. I will put my ideas and beliefs out there and you may take from them what you like.