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DouglasMcc said:
I do not want to get into an argument over this, but in my mind its the same thing. Can you prove to me that the Big Bang happened? Can you show me physical evidence that it happened? Can you recreate so that I can see it? No. Remember, a scientific theory only remains a theory until it can be proven with concrete, visual data. Then it becomes a scientific fact. The reason its called the wave theory of light is that we do not have equipment sensitive enough to prove it exists. We are basically trusting the theory based on our faith in the concept. How is that so much different that trusting in the belief of a God? I cannot visual "see" God, but I can see his effects on the world and, to a lesser degree, on men's hearts and souls. Therefore, I believe. I do not need visual proof that God exists because he is plausible to me, much like you do not need to see visual proof that the wave theory of light exists.
So, most of the ideas and theories that Atheist try to use to disprove faith must be ... well, taken on faith. I find it hard to believe that you can discount the unproven with more unproven. As for your new definition, it's still based on believing something that cannot be proven. What makes a Scientific or Mathematical theory "plausible"? It's a person's faith in the system that hypothesis is based on. Well, I have seen things in my life that make the belief in an unseen deity "plausible."

And since the definition itself used the word phenomena, lets focus on it for a moment. Phenomena is most often used to explain the unexplainable in science. Something that seems to go against our pre-conceived notions about science. Well, to me, it seems that is the same as faith. You accept that the Big Bang phenomena happened billions of years ago, yet have no proof. I believe God caused the creation of the universe (which I am comfortable calling the Big Bang) billions of years ago ... and I accept that it cannot be proven. I don't need proof. I am willing to believe it based on faith alone.

To summarize, I agree whole-heartily that some people take religion too far ... and I would not fault you for being offended by that. Religion has done more harm to Faith that anything else in the history of man. In fact, I would go so far as to hypothesis that atheism is a direct response to the trappings of religion. I have a friend who lost his Faith because of bad experiences in church as a child. However, if you can look past the man-made trappings of religion to its purest form - i.e. Faith, you will see the "logic" behind my beliefs. However, I am not going to force it down your throats. I will put my ideas and beliefs out there and you may take from them what you like.
Okay Douglas, I can tell this conversation is taken differently on both your end and mine. Like I said:
I think I may have mis read your original post, I thought you said that science can't explain what happened before the Big Bang, just wanted to give you more information.
I'm not trying to prove to you that the Big Bang happened or what not. Can it be proved? Yes, Cosmic microwave background radiation proves the big bang happened. Explaining this would once again, get into a needless argument, (you'll never believe it no matter what evidence). I couldn't care if you believe in it. Science is used to explain the why not the whom. People only have a problem with Science when it explains something that is contradicted in the Bible. I'm not an Atheist because of Science, but because of rational deduction.
My point of view is that all religion is superstitious nonsense. I don't care what religion it is, Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Scientology, Norse Paganism, Greco-Roman Paganism, etc, it's all BS. It has as much validity as LOTR and Star Wars. So it comes down to what evidence outside of religious sources is there that any creator or creators exist?
So that leaves the "absence of proof does not mean proof of absence" argument.
Which is very easily disputed with the Flying Spaghetti Monster, Invisible Pink Unicorn, etc..
Just because there is an absence of proof for the existence of either doesn't mean they don't exist. Give them a few thousand years and constant instilling of traditional beliefs to every generation, and it's as valid as the Gods of Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Norse Paganism, Greco-Roman Paganism, Hinduism.
You can say that they don't exist, someone made them up, and I'd say your right, some one long ago made up the notion of God(s) and every religion has stolen it.
Don't take this as me trying to convince you that there is no god, just a statement of my beliefs.
All give praise to our Lord, the Flying Spaghetti Monster!

Teach Evolution Kansas.
I'm done with this thread.
:mwaha :mwaha :mwaha

screaming metal... everything you just typed there...


(and I'm with you 100% on all of it)
screamingmetal said:
...People only have a problem with Science when it explains something that is contradicted in the Bible. ....So it comes down to what evidence outside of religious sources is there that any creator or creators exist?....I'm not an Atheist because of Science, but because of rational deduction.

What evidence is there outside of scientific resources that radiowaves exist?:D

I personally believe that all truth can be circumscribed into one whole truth, thus science should be no threat at all to religion because one should back up the other.

I think its funny that you basically say that anyone with a spiritual-quality is incapable of rational deduction. Its as if you assume that the vast majority of all scientists are atheists (and I believe you would be incorrect in that assumption, which I'm sure can "rationally deduce"... or not).

That being said, I believe both sides of the debate are filled with folks, such as yourself (I may be wrong, I'm just going by your words) who believe the other side is stupid. The irony is that both sides (vocal atheist [note I didn't equate atheist with scientist]and the God-fearing [actually science fearing]) are stupid. :monkey5
screamingmetal said:
I'm not an Atheist because of Science, but because of rational deduction.

I don't want to crash the party un-announced, but I would like to comment briefly on the above statement.

The problem with this logic is it fails on the very basis of what it seeks to prove. You just cannot find an adequate basis for such "rational deduction" in a universe in which all that exists is mere chance. Explain the origin of the universe as you will, the difficulty arises when attempting to apply absolutes to something that merely happened. Chance no matter how long you give it, can never produce order - you simply cannot derive anything uniform, orderly or absolute from chaos. Science, mathematics, etc, assume uniformity in the universe - such unformity cannot be said to exist merely by happenstance. You can't have it both ways: while using science (and thus absolutes) to drive the death-nail into religion; and then rejecting any forms of absolutes beyond it.

Such a fallacy is demonstrated in a statement like: "there is no such thing as absolute truth;" or "I can't speak a word of English."
*stands outside the doorway, biting his nails and pacing up and down..... desperately trying to stay out of this conversation... because he knows once he walks into the room... and start to voice his beliefs on the subject.. he'll start ranting as he always does* :lecture
I too don't want to get drawn in... but... :)

The 'Universe' did happen by chance. the old notion of infinite monkeys. time, and typewriters fits nicely. To assume there is and has only ever been one Universe is just that - an assumption. What came before, perhaps, is unknowable, but many believe in the possibility of other... erm... Multiverses. It seems to me only the arrogance and egotism of the human mind can think that their world is unique, that life does not exist elsewhere in the Universe, and this moment in time is the be all and end all. I have no answers, none whatsoever, but at least I recognise this fact which, unfortunately, religion does not.

To assume that I or any other non-believer is somehow lacking in spirituality is also ridiculous. I do not believe in religion which, as screamingmetal so aptly described, is (to me) nothing more than man-made notions of 'truth', often used to control others, that have no basis in fact. If the Bible was written today, or (as many do...) someonw claimed to be the Son of God, no=one would take it or them seriously. Yet a two thousand year old document is taken as the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but... Come on! Back then people thought the world was flat and the Sun revolved around us. Maybe Jesus did exist. Maybe he truly believed he was the Son of God. It doesn't make it true.

If there is a God or Gods, they did not write and subsequently re-write the Bible to fit their means. Men did. As I say, I know nothing concrete on the hows and whys concerning the creation of now, but IMO neither does reglgion. You may as well believe in fairies at the bottom of the garden.

Just my opinion, but I'm yet to be struck dead by lightening :D

*runs for cover...*

pixletwin said:


I saw Hell on Bill and Teds bogus journey. It ain't so scary:emperor
Hunky artist..we are at one with screaming metal, but staying out is a wise decision. I almost had a rant and what I hate most are the evangelicals/converters of any persuasion.
None that come to my door leave alive mwah ah ah ah....ahem (cough!):monkey3
thamesvalidude said:
....I almost had a rant and what I hate most are the evangelicals/converters of any persuasion...

Which evangilicals would those be? The atheist evangelicals or the Bible Thumping variety? Because from where I stand they are both tarred with the same brush. :monkey3 :monkey1

by the way, that Hell statement was for everyone in this thread... Not just you evil naughty atheists.
screamingmetal said:
I'm not trying to prove to you that the Big Bang happened or what not. Can it be proved? Yes, Cosmic microwave background radiation proves the big bang happened. Explaining this would once again, get into a needless argument, (you'll never believe it no matter what evidence). I couldn't care if you believe in it. Science is used to explain the why not the whom. People only have a problem with Science when it explains something that is contradicted in the Bible. I'm not an Atheist because of Science, but because of rational deduction..

First thing, first. If you had actually read my posts for comprehension, you would know that I do believe in the Big Bang Theory. I believe that there was nothing, then there was a violent "creation" of matter and the universe came into being. The only place we seem to disagree is the original cause for that Big Bang. Science cannot explain what caused the Big Bang. They have theories, sure. But they have no proof. Therefore, its just as rational for me to believe that God caused it as anything you can hypothesize. I mean at least my Bible describes something similar to what happened. What historical science book do you have detailing the creation that occurred during the Big Bang?

screamingmetal said:
"My point of view is that all religion is superstitious nonsense. I don't care what religion it is, Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Scientology, Norse Paganism, Greco-Roman Paganism, etc, it's all BS. It has as much validity as LOTR and Star Wars. So it comes down to what evidence outside of religious sources is there that any creator or creators exist?
So that leaves the "absence of proof does not mean proof of absence" argument.
Which is very easily disputed with the Flying Spaghetti Monster, Invisible Pink Unicorn, etc..".

Sorry, there are more "Flying Spaghetti Monsters" in an aethistic view than there are in my Christianity. And all we have to do is look at some of the more colorful things Science cannot explain:
We already discussed the Big Bang, so I will move on.

Which came first, the Chicken or the Egg? So, how does a creature come into being if there is no "mother" to birth them? I do believe in the evolution of single cell organism, but those are still living organisms. What created them? An outside force created them. Even science agrees on that. And I think its more rational to believe its a deity than some random cosmic event. The world is much too complex and organized to be random.

While the Big Bang is considered an exception, Science's Conservation of Energy theory postulates that Energy is neither created or destroyed. It is simply redirected. Well, I see the human soul as an energy source. The neurons and chemical reactions that power our brain are a giant battery of sorts for that energy. So, when we die, what happens to that energy? Science tells us it is not destroyed. It has to go somewhere. Why is it illogical to believe it all goes some place (Heaven or Hell)? You can argue that there is no sure thing as a soul, but just like the smallest molecules in our cells ... just because you cannot see it doesn't mean its not there.

If there is no Heaven or Hell, how can you explain near death experiences? 99% of them follow the same basic structure, regardless of beliefs or religion. If its a hallucination as some scientist theorize, why are they all so similar? Group hallucinations are not possible unless there is some unifying factor... the soul perhaps?

screamingmetal said:
Just because there is an absence of proof for the existence of either doesn't mean they don't exist. Give them a few thousand years and constant instilling of traditional beliefs to every generation, and it's as valid as the Gods of Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Norse Paganism, Greco-Roman Paganism, Hinduism.
You can say that they don't exist, someone made them up, and I'd say your right, some one long ago made up the notion of God(s) and every religion has stolen it.

Actually, you are wrong. I believe all religions are related in some way. All religions worship the same diety, the same God. Even the older pagan religions were monotheism "in disguise" so to speak. They may have called all of their deities Gods, but the Sun God ruled all. He was in charge. Zeus was in charge of all the other Greek Gods ... etc. Nearly every religion has a central "Father" God who is in charge and controls all. That's pretty much the same structure as the Christian religion. The difference is we call these other lesser deities angels and spirits. Human nature is the reason for all the different variations. Its best represented by the Protestant Reformation. They split from the Catholic church over procedures, not faith. The Church of England split from the Catholic Church because the King wanted to divorce his queen. And it goes on like that throughout history. It's my belief that religion began as a single "pure" Faith in our lord. Man's weakness and jealous/lustful nature caused a splinter effect.

It does sadden me Screaming that you would give up on our intellectual conversation and resort to childish insults. I disagreed with you, and debated with you. However, I never once insulted you or your beliefs. Not sure if you felt you were losing the debate or what, but it was really depressing to see someone who appears to be rather intelligent act like one of my 1st graders.
pixletwin said:
Which evangilicals would those be? The atheist evangelicals or the Bible Thumping variety? Because from where I stand they are both tarred with the same brush. :monkey3 :monkey1
I'll drink to that.
My last word in this thread is this.

Y'all need to read Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dostoevsky. Great book.

I am done. :dance :dance :dance
pixletwin said:
My last word in this thread is this.

Y'all need to read Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dostoevsky. Great book.

I am done. :dance :dance :dance
I'll drink to that too.
carbo-fation said:
What happened to Shai's previous post? Did he delete it or was it a mod?

Great discussion by the way!:)

Deleted it myself. For Fear of Bannishment.