James Cameron's AVATAR A.M.P. Suit Maquette

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Like I said....:rolleyes:


Is this about the pvc, abs parts ?

Like I said on another forum.. the leggs of the AT-AT replica from Master Replicas were also made of plastic... yeah that's right... plastic (ABS).. high strength thermoplastic to be exactly... they choose this for a reason...
and no one was complaining about this...
This thing is going to kick some ass when it comes out... I just watched this movie again... I wont spend that much on one thing though... Out of my price range... Thank goodness for Hottoys doing these figures...
You'd have to be a REALLY Big fan to purchase this. That money could buy a lot of other just as cool collectibles IMO.
You'd have to be a REALLY Big fan to purchase this. That money could buy a lot of other just as cool collectibles IMO.

Yeah i know its expensive. I'm an avatar fan yes, and especially i'm a fan of robots, cyborg etc. But in the end when times goes by i think this would be all worth the money
I was really pumped about this piece like 10 years ago when it was announced...lol.

Then Avatar came and went and I kinda forgot about it. The only reminder was the monthly credit card charge.

Now that they have FINALLY released the materials that make up this thing Im pretty pumped again. The photos that show the size of this thing next to a person and the perspective of it compared to a hand really shows its a formidable piece.

For a bit all the talk of it being made of plastic alone kinda had me worried because Sideshow was talking about how its made of over 900 pieces and mixed media but plastic doesnt sound too mixed to me.

But now that we know its got 5 or 6 materials including metal (fingers crossed-the floor plating being metal cuz it looks like it)- It looks like it will be a quality piece.

It may hold its value, it may not-but in any case- I think this will be a piece I have a hard time ridding of should I ever decide to one day.

I hope the paint job is close to the proto-then I feel I will be satisfied with my purchase.
'Tis sad that the release has been pushed back to June, I've been here and there about committing myself to this baby. I think I'll wait for in-hand pics before I decide, since you never know with Sideshow QC and paint apps. The only SS product I still own to date is the faux-bronze Hellboy bust (my grail), which is one of the only products from SS which resembles pictures of the official product on the website.

Also, I'm hoping this thing isn't going to be bottom-heavy (heavy base, light plastic model on top).

Plus, I'm still struggling to identify exactly why this product is so expensive. I'm hoping it's not just because of licensing fees.

Time will tell.
Did you read what Pitu said about seeing it in person? He saw an actual production piece at Sideshow HQ and he was blown away by how close the paint apps were on the proto and how heavy the piece was.
Cheers, lightwave, that's food for thought.

Regardless of my opinion, I know I'll warm up to the idea of having this in my home when I start watching Avatar on Bluray later this week (yet to purchase it). The AMP suit and Quaritch were the main reasons I liked the movie; the AMP suit is a mech suit and that's been a recurring symbol of human relations with technology for a long time (especially for Jim Cameron), and Quaritch was the only genuinely compelling character in the film.
I just noticed in the video of the suit at comicon the guy showcasing the suit takes the cockpit glass off by hand. It just sits on top of the frame. Theirs no hinges or anything....:confused: Correct me if im wrong (and im not) but in the movie the top flipped open. For $1200 they werent able to put hinges on the cockpit lid??. Actually if you look at any of the pics on SS website...not one of them shows the suit with the top "up". Just another reason why this is a colossal rip off.
All that "money" they spent on scanning the actual suit into a computer...yet they forgot to scan the hinges :lol

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Why would you want hinges? Better chance of breaking and its not a toy. You have the option of taking it off so you can see the detail of the cockpit. We dont know exactly how heavy the cockpit lid is...
Why would you want hinges? Better chance of breaking and its not a toy. You have the option of taking it off so you can see the detail of the cockpit. We dont know exactly how heavy the cockpit lid is...

Oh come on...why would I want hinges?...because their suppose to be there! I have little toy cars with hinges on every part that opens. Your telling me for $1200 they couldnt put hinges on this? That cockpit lid is probably light as a feather...its just thin transparent plastic. In the movie the top on the suit opened up pretty dam wide..almost vertical.
Your saying that wouldnt have been open enough to show the inner detail?. Imo this is a huge oversite, im sure the real 14 foot tall suit had hinges in that top. Like I've said 100 times....this should cost no more than $500. Even that is pushing it....
