James Cameron's AVATAR discussion thread

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I thought that a trailer was supposed to at least tell you what the movie is about. Anybody that actually got what the film was about from that trailer is smoking crack. I had to look it up afterwards and see what the actually storyline is going to be.

In all honesty, it doesn't look much different from Revenge of the Sith.........
I thought that a trailer was supposed to at least tell you what the movie is about. Anybody that actually got what the film was about from that trailer is smoking crack. I had to look it up afterwards and see what the actually storyline is going to be.

I have sort of an idea what the movie will be about from the trailer. If that idea is correct, I don't know.
I'm not going to look up anything because I don't want to know too much about the film before seeing it :)
I have sort of an idea what the movie will be about from the trailer. If that idea is correct, I don't know.
I'm not going to look up anything because I don't want to know too much about the film before seeing it :)

Very wise and most trailers these days give the whole frigging film away anyway. :mad:
Very wise and most trailers these days give the whole frigging film away anyway. :mad:

You're right about that! A trailer is everything I might watch before seeing a movie.
I skip the "Making of" programs and stuff like that on tv, because they give a lot away too and for some reason I think the magic is gone once I've seen how a scene or movie is made.
Saw the trailer on Sci-Fi and wasn't really all that impressed by it. The concept is interesting but the design of the movie is a bit generic looking. Why does every advanced Alien in science fiction have to appear humanoid? They have unlimited potential going CGI, and they make the damn alien look like something from Star Trek. The proportions are off but it's still humanoid looking. They also design a Horse like creature that looks like a horse with an extra set of legs. There's really no flexing of the imagination here. The Amp suits looked a little boring too.
I'll be seeing it but it just didn't wow me enough.
You're right about that! A trailer is everything I might watch before seeing a movie.
I skip the "Making of" programs and stuff like that on tv, because they give a lot away too and for some reason I think the magic is gone once I've seen how a scene or movie is made.

:lecture Same here. I see one or two trailers for a movie and that's it.
I watched your videos. Well done. However, don't take this the wrong way but you guys seem to be reviewing a movie that you haven't even seen yet. Am I missing something? :dunno

Filling you in on the plot and what we have seen thus far. According to people actually in production, this is only the tip of the iceberg, so if I am impressed with what I have already seen-then I cant imagine...
However, don't take this the wrong way but you guys seem to be reviewing a movie that you haven't even seen yet. Am I missing something? :dunno
It does seem a bit strange to me to see so much hype building up around a movie that hasn't come out yet. James Cameron certainly deserves the benefit of the doubt if he says something is going to be groundbreaking, but I hope that you guys who are getting so hyped up don't end up getting disappointed because you set your expectations too high.
The 15 minutes already passed expectations and hype. Its the general consensus for anyone who has seen footage. I loved aliens, and the first two terminators. James Cameron's reputation is also enough, especially after Titanic-do you think hes going to churn out a piece of crap having worked on a project for 14 years and having the largest budget in the history of cinema...

It will be a fun ride
Time and money have been spent on movies that ended up being commercial and critical disasters, and 15 minutes is just that. I can't think of a movie that Cameron directed since Titanic (which was over 10 years ago), so I don't know that his post-Titanic reputation means much. Not trying to rain on your parade, but the truth is we really don't know much of anything yet, and feelings one way or the other are necessarily premature.

It could be the greatest film of all time. It could be Waterworld. :huh
LOL! Waterworld...good one! :)

The only thing he has done since Titanic were underwater exploration videos for a few years. Did you see the 15 minutes? If you had I doubt you would have your reservations...but even so- Wait for them to release another trailer, possibly one thats not still under construction like the current one and then judge from there. I think your gonna like it.
If you hadn't noticed, just above I posted a link to a snippet of the 15 minutes but its very poor quality. You can't tell much from it. I like where his eye dilates