Demi G0D Overseer
Does anyone have any teaser posters laying around they want to sell? No re-prints please. Thanks!
How can you tell the difference? Do you mean the double sided posters?
Truly, this film is dangerous:
What does the article say?
With all the Avatar-related depression CNN reported (based on their crack research into message board posts Filmdrunk was making fun of the week before), it was only a matter of time before Avatar straight-up killed a man.
According to AFP, the 42-year-old cinemagoer, surnamed Kuo, had a history of high blood pressure and suffered a stroke while watching the film in in the northern city of Hsinchu (Taiwan). Emergency room doctor Peng Chin-chih told AFP: “It’s likely that the over-excitement from watching the movie triggered his symptoms.” [Ed.- He then added, "This movie is so exciting, your brain will s*** the bed! Avatar, in theaters now."] The China Times reported that the incident represented “the first death linked to watching James Cameron’s science-fiction epic”.
The first death. Only the first. Expect more of these as people try to spraypaint themselves blue and die from fumes, or jump on a leopard thinking it’s a leonopteryx, or get strangled by a blogger for buying an Avatar t-shirt before even seeing the movie. Papyrus font changes a man.
Here be the text. Pretty funny:
Wonder how many people die each year while watching movies in a theater? Gotta think its not that uncommon.
Wonder how many people die each year while watching movies in a theater? Gotta think its not that uncommon.
And now AVATAR is getting credit for George Lucas re-releasing the STAR WARS films in 3-D, even though he started mentioning doing that 10 years ago and they've already been working on it.![]()
Avatar cured my herpes.![]()
Avatar cured my herpes.![]()
Somewhere deep down, I believe that James Cameron knows that his ex-wife actually made a better film last year (THE HURT LOCKER).