Awesome concept art and models from the movie
I have no idea why certain places don't book certain movies. We have 2 Imax theatres(3 actual screens) and the one near me always gets the latest Imax mainstream movies, whereas the other doesn't and mainly shows the educational Imax stuff. I always thought that maybe they couldn't show the same movies, but then both were showing A Christmas Carol up until Friday when Avatar opened. I don't get why the other doesn't show the big movies. They are just costing themselves money.
You got to be kidding! Gollum looked better? Maybe you liked the character design more but i have a hard time believing you thought Gollum looked more realistic. Unless you are taking into account all the darkness and shadows like the ???? roaches of District 9
Saw this today and MAN.... What an experience! I've long chased that feeling, you know the one I mean... That, sitting in a dark theater in 1977 unaware of what this "Star Wars" thing is going to be.
This movie blew me away. And not just the CG, but the story as well. It may have been simple, but I felt it. As an ex military man, I can see why Sully played it the way he did... not telling the Na'vi, hoping to convince his leaders that there was another way to resolve things.
As for CGI, this movie raises the bar really really high. The characters faces were insanely detailed, you could actually SEE the actors emoting and their performances showed. It wasn't like it was animated, it didn't take you out of the film and remind you that it was all animation. You felt like they were really there, and that is magical in this day and age. Most films, even with the sophistication of effects, you don't get that feeling of real "life" in the CG characters. This film tears that away and breathes that soul into CGI. It's a monumental achievement for that alone.
I have to say, I left the theater... blown away, emotionally touched, questioning human society, and flat out excited.... all at the same time. One of the best film experiences I have ever had, I'm almost unable to articulate how great it really was.
I'm just stunned to have finally had that feeling.
Not sure if someone posted something about this already or not, but a prequel could be about: Showing what has happened to Earth and what's going on at Earth. It can explain how we found or knew about this planet. Could explain what that mineral is, and what we need it for. Can show us getting there and setting up initially and encountering dangers for the first time etc.
Not sure if that all makes a good idea, but just some thoughts.
Earlier this month Cameron talked about the proposed follow-ups to Avatar and commented on what the cost might look at for the production.
“…in terms of the pitch it was: OK, you’ve spent a lot of money on the first one; on the second one we’ll be able to amortize it [the CG assets] and focus on the story and all that … and they bought that,” says Cameron regarding the assets and technology that has already been produced for the first film. Having these in place would make follow-ups cheaper to make and could increase profit margins for the studio.
While speaking with MTV, Cameron stated that the next two movies would pick-up from where Avatar left off. “We’ll follow Jake and Neytiri [Zoe Saldana],” says Cameron. “I have a trilogy-scaled arc of story right now, but I haven’t really put any serious work into writing a script.”
I would rather see a sequel and it already looks like a Prequel will not happen.
I've got to know Jake Sully, Neytiri and the rest of the Na'vi and I want to see what happens next.
The sequel does not necessarily have to involve a Human army as the enemy. The Planet has many different tribes, and some might not be as friendly as others once the Human threat has gone.
That's what I was thinking too!
Jake, Neytiri and all the other Na'vi characters were so believable that an entire movie without humans could work IMO!!!![]()
Humans will HAVE to be back at some point though, if this Unobtainium is all that we are supposed to believe it is; they will come back with far greater numbers and go "shock and awe" again - i.e. just wipe out everyone. There is no way a major corporation would just leave with it's tail between their legs like that, they are far too "greedy" and "evil" - I mean really who can resist a little war-mongering?!![]()
To be fair Gollum still looks amazing and it's been 7 years since we first saw him in the Two Towers. In fact I felt No CGI character had surpassed him until I saw The Na'vi in Avatar.
Avatar has raised the bar, it should be interesting to see how long it will be until it's raised again?
my first thoughts after the movie ended! you know those ????er are coming back!!! in full force!!!