Jango up for preorder!!

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You can look at it this way: Jango held his own against an older, more experienced Obi-Wan. Maul was defeated by the padawan Obi-Wan. just pointing out the facts.
Khev said:
Well Darth Maul didn't exactly have his son firing artillery at Obi-Wan from Slave I either.... ;)
Darth Maul had a son...? just kidding. Your absolutely right. We could run around with the facts and speculation for hours (I imagine). Had Jango stayed and battled it out to the death he probably would have just lost his arm (more Obi's style) than lost his head. Maul has the Force, Jango had his gadgets and tools (his son included). I think it comes down to comparing Apples and Oranges. I think Jango was better suited to handle lesser Jedi and/or being sneeky rather that head on confrontations.
Jango and Maul both went down because they were both overconfident and had a moment of dropped guard on which Obi-Wan and Mace capitalized. Jango turned his back on Mace after messing with the Reek, and it was all over at that point, and Maul thought he had the best of Obi-Wan with him hanging. The thing of it is, Maul's character got altered for the sake of plot whereas Jango went down like the character was scripted to live. Maul was an aggressor, given his attacking style, he wouldn't just stop slashing sparks at Obi-Wan, hell he'd have probably thrown his saber down at Obi-Wan and built a new one, but George needed him to die and wrote a way for him to die that was unfitting, he should have just been out powered by Obi-Wan, much the same as Anakin in ROTS. Jango went out fighting, but just wasn't a match for Mace.
no no no...maul went down because lucas is an idiot.


but damn! what a cool looking character. oh and very well put maulfan.
Christopher Lee is nice and everything, but Maul should have lived to continue the part of Sidious' Apprentice. Imagine Maul training Grievous "Hate them, HATE THEM, MORE HATE!!!!"
darthviper107 said:
Christopher Lee is nice and everything, but Maul should have lived to continue the part of Sidious' Apprentice. Imagine Maul training Grievous "Hate them, HATE THEM, MORE HATE!!!!"

The more and more i hear this and think about it the more and more i believe it to be true.If maul lasted all the way till ep3 the prequels woulda carried a lot more weight in that dept. and helped out a lot IMO.(woulda made maul 10x more baddass as well)But i heard Lucas didn't want maul to become as big as darth vader as to not over shadow him so he decided to kill him off(bad move IMO)
Well I think Maul was similar to Boba Fett with Lucas, he failed to anticipate fan reaction to him. Count Dooku was a unique plot line Maul wouldn't fit, but Maul could've easily fit, in fact, Anakin dueling with the Sith who killed his beloved Qui-Gon would have fueled even more hatred in Anakin, both in AOTC and ROTS, that could have been cooler. However, sadly, Lucas didn't see Maul's fandom coming, so he got killed off lamely like Boba Fett. Granted it's his story, but characters like that should be leaked more to fans during filming so you can gauge reaction, show some BTS clips or something to see if there's a buzz.
darthviper107 said:
Christopher Lee is nice and everything, but Maul should have lived to continue the part of Sidious' Apprentice. Imagine Maul training Grievous "Hate them, HATE THEM, MORE HATE!!!!"
That would have been GREAT!!! It also would have made for a nice final showdown between Obi and Maul on Utapau.
MaulFan said:
Well I think Maul was similar to Boba Fett with Lucas, he failed to anticipate fan reaction to him. Count Dooku was a unique plot line Maul wouldn't fit, but Maul could've easily fit, in fact, Anakin dueling with the Sith who killed his beloved Qui-Gon would have fueled even more hatred in Anakin, both in AOTC and ROTS, that could have been cooler. However, sadly, Lucas didn't see Maul's fandom coming, so he got killed off lamely like Boba Fett. Granted it's his story, but characters like that should be leaked more to fans during filming so you can gauge reaction, show some BTS clips or something to see if there's a buzz.

Yeah but just looking at maul you gotta know theres gonna be a following and HE HAD THE FIRST DB SABER(in the movies).Lucas had to know ppl would fall in love with him i just don't know if i buy it this time.

(i had a sweet lookin maul poster before the movie was even out)Lucas can't be that outta touch!!I read a long magazine article about how lucas was worried about maul becoming more popular than vader and that lucas wouldn't have it.(and yes the story with maul lasting woulda been far more intense)
Seth Gecko said:
(i had a sweet lookin maul poster before the movie was even out)Lucas can't be that outta touch!!I read a long magazine article about how lucas was worried about maul becoming more popular than vader and that lucas wouldn't have it.(and yes the story with maul lasting woulda been far more intense)

I have a magazine somewhere in my collection that did an article on the 100 most popular Star Wars collectibles or something like that, and they had the first Hasbro 12" Maul figure in there at #24, I don't think the figure was more than shown in pre-release images, and film images were limited to the teaser trailer, a whopping few seconds of him in there, and the one Star Wars insider with him on the cover. Maul won me over ther minute I first saw him, hence my obsession :), but that article confirmed he had risen to popularity quick. The first 3 3/4" Hasbro Maul was very hard to find at release time up here, and the 12" was nearly impossible, luckily my father tapped into his resources and got me a very meaningful 16th birthday present :) I know i've mentioned that several times around here, but it really means something to me. I really think George often underestimates the fans love for his films, he recognizes our obesessive love, but I don't think he understands it enough to forsee what will ring home with us and what won't.
Yeah guess we can never know for sure.But i think i'm finally starting to admit to myself that the prequels coulda been so much better. (while still cool and satisfying to me,i see tons of room for improvement and i'm no director)
Just sit back and imagine maul in ep3 and it blows my mind.
Getting depressed:google :D :emperor
Even if not Maul having a further role in the films, how bout a spin off cartoon, even in more traditional animation, Maul's the type of character that could rock in the unbound realm that Clone Wars took place in, hell Jedi could jump miles at once in that show, imagine the things you'd have Maul doing with those freedoms :) That's why I love the Maul comics, they really unleashed him in there, I haven't gotten around to the novel, I may some day, but Maul is a visually fun character, and while it's fun to make the picture in your head, I like to see paintings/drawings/photos :)
Yeah, the Maul comics and Novels do add a lot to the character. I'd love to see a full movie or even a tv movie going on more about him. He's a freaking awesome character IMO but I would also like to see more on the Fett's. The more the better IMO.
Well ya might fett is pretty big he might have a whole week dedicated to him outta 100 episodes.
Seth Gecko said:
Well ya might fett is pretty big he might have a whole week dedicated to him outta 100 episodes.

That would be nice. If Lucas is never gonna go back and do another saga movie. I wouldn't mind character movies but he's said TV is the thing for him now so that won't be happening.