
. Thank you all for this great discussion. Indeed as we have hopefully shown in the last 6 years we will listen to all collectors and go the extra mile to get the utmost in accuracy and detail.
Now, I do wan to address the price difference. As I said in this interview
(starting at 34 minutes), it is a fair question. I wish I had a more glamorous answer, but the most important reason for the higher price is that ours is going to be made in a much lower volume so we have nowhere near the quantities of scale that Hot Toys does.
And we have to write off the full investment for this product over much fewer orders. Basically, your Batmobile, if you order from us, will be much more limited edition. Right now, we are looking at around 700 units worldwide, whereas hot toys will make tens of thousands. If you have to divide all the cost of this project (development, prototyping, tooling, production, etc) over 700 units versus tens of thousands, you can imagine the cost will go down dramatically, the more units you make from those same moulds and dividing all (fixed) developments costs over many more units. Their economies of scale are huge at those volumes
Also, since ours will be much lower volume, it will be much more handmade and hand-painted.
The other differences is that are that ours it will be focussed on maximum accuracy and the correct size as ours will be almost 4 inches longer.
Our version will also have sound, remote control light up, effects and smoke. Finally, it will come with a signed and numbered limited edition plate. If we get more orders, we can start adding more features because of the higher budget we would have available.
Hope this explains it! Have a great week!