There is already much people giving their advice,so why not me ..

We've been waiting for this for such a long time, i can't believe it will finally happen,
And i'am glad that is Jazzinc who is making it!
As i don't have a facebook account (and never will), i hope Joost will continue to check this thread..
So first thing, the 3 battle damaged head sculpts are really amazing...
I love them all, especially the angry one...
I really want them!
From what we've seen so far, even if they are really good,none of the clean sculpts seems to be at the same level (yet).
I'am sorry that i won't be able to vote to choose the clean sculpts, because the "tongue out sculpt" is really useless for me, and would never leave the box.
It's really the worst of the sculpts we have seen so far.
The 3 others are really good, and the smiling sculpt and the neutral one are very essential...i can't believe one of those could be scrapped..
I can't wait to see those 3 painted.
Regarding rolling eyes, i understand it's not possible on the battle damaged ones because the whole eyes expressions are different.
For the clean ones, the expressions are the same so it would be possible...but i don't know how mouth plates would work with the mask...
It's not like the Batman cowl..
I don't really have a clear advice for that subject, but it's sure would really be great to see how it would turn out..
Maybe with a lot of support it will be possible to explore this option.
No articulations for the wrists is very disappointing...that's really bother me.
It's not a statue...
I don't want to change the gloves anytime i need to move the hands.
i hope that's something that will be revised..
And i don't think i will have the patience to put the claws on every fingers every time i have to change the hands..
I would have preferred maybe simple plastic claws in one piece with each hands or something like that.
I really don't care for the metal claws, especially if it increases the cost..
That money could be spend somewhere else like articulation for the wrists or more sculpts...
Regarding the dioramas, for me,that is again something that would never leave the box...i have no use for them at all (and not the space).
And i want to pose clean Catwoman with clean Batman Returns, or battle damaged Catwoman with " rip cowl" Batman Returns, but not alone on a diorama..
And of course having 2 identical dioramas with the 2 figures would be uncomprehensible, but i have no doubt it will be corrected.
So i really hope i can have 3 head sculpts and no dioramas...
I don't want to pay (plus the increase shipping costs) for something useless for me...
And i don't think i'am the only one feeling like that way.
For the different offers i 'am ok with what i 've seen lately on this thread..
The simpler the better..
I don't see the point of basic editions with just one head sculpt...
But i don't want to be be forced to pay for the dioramas to have all the sculpts..
So why not just doing:
-1 Clean pack with 3 sculpts (no dioramas)
-1 Battle Damaged pack with 3 sculpts (no dioramas)
(maybe a little discount if possible, if you buy 2 packs

-1 Deluxe two-pack with diorama(s)
-Or one other option i've seen someone suggests, is to pack the dioramas apart in separate boxes, and offer the option with any pack, clean or battle.
So no Two-packs...
Just 1 Clean pack with or without diorama
and 1 Battle Damage pack with or without diorama
Even Simpler,and i think it would please most people...
Anyway it's great that Jazzinc is making this figure, and i really trust them to making it the best possible!
And that's also great to be able to participate and give your opinion...(even if the final word must of course come from Joost, and every one working on this great project).
I will try to support this project as much as i can as long as the prices allow me to.
I know that i really want the Battle damaged pack with the 3 sculpts...
But i need to see what the final options will be, before deciding...
Because when you add 20% Vat and shipping it can make quite an amount

Anyway, i really hope it will have a lot of success, to allow more great things to be included!