Joker: Ménage à troisand you can recreate the famous scene!
What Terminators are you going
to spend your Artisan Joker funds on Wor?
The two of them look really good together though. The details of the BD T-800 is definitely an attention grabber.I have no Artisan Joker money set aside.
I might get T-1000.... I might get T-800 BD.
I don't think I'd get plain old Arnold in biker gear. Just boring, no pizzazz.
The two of them look really good together though. The details of the BD T-800 is definitely an attention grabber.
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Everyone was expecting something that wasn’t even there in the first place. If you’re just realizing this then blame yourself…
Heath Ledger’s Joker origin story of course. Did we see the ending?! /s
people are kidding themselves if they really expect batman to show up in this universe. it was never meant to be and will never be. the movie was meant to subvert expectations and I liked it for that reason
the hate is unjust. this movie is meant for people who understood and interpreted the original movie properly, people who interpreted it differently were almost intended to hate this movie. this was never meant to be a piece to sway people to understand arthur as a character, its too late
Khev,Does Joker even kill anyone at any point in this film?