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Re: Joker PF

Wow, another head sculpt wil be great. If that is the EX item, is there any chance of getting the artwork displayed behind the Joker at SDCC? How can we find out who the artist was?
If the pre order is in the next couple of weeks, when can we expect to
have the item delivered? 2nd quarter 2012?
Re: Joker PF

I heard grumblings that we didn't get the video supporting the DC announcement because there were snaffus in terms of pieces spotlit and what would or could be done. I wonder if they went back to iron things out and even though this approved and already taken to the point of priced and quoted as ordering in August, that the entire DC license is on hold until whatever the stumble was is fully cleared up. Let's be honest, as much as this piece was the darling of Comic-Con you'd think they'd strike when the iron is hot and at least tease or preview another piece by now...

Mikey, are Sideshow and DC trying to figure whether Sideshow is able to produce lines like VS Diorama/1:5 scale Comiqutte/1:2 scale busts? I hope they are allowed to cover those like they are with Marvel :pray:
Re: Joker PF

Wow, another head sculpt wil be great. If that is the EX item, is there any chance of getting the artwork displayed behind the Joker at SDCC? How can we find out who the artist was?
If the pre order is in the next couple of weeks, when can we expect to
have the item delivered? 2nd quarter 2012?

Calm the ____ doooooown...
You are calming the ____ down...
Re: Joker PF

Mikey, are Sideshow and DC trying to figure whether Sideshow is able to produce lines like VS Diorama/1:5 scale Comiqutte/1:2 scale busts? I hope they are allowed to cover those like they are with Marvel :pray:

That'd be great but what I've heard on various sites isn't that they are dealing with what the license is consisting of just about the characters and designs originally selected for the video itself to be shown off. While normally that wouldn't effect a piece already approved but given that DC has been a license that Sideshow has been chasing for years it's completely possible that they want all the ducks in a row before moving forward with anything.
Re: Joker PF

That'd blow if it's a dispute over DC wanting them to do the new Lee suckass designs and Sideshow fighting for the classic designs.
Re: Joker PF

That'd blow if it's a dispute over DC wanting them to do the new Lee suckass designs and Sideshow fighting for the classic designs.

That would really suck so bad if Sideshow can't make classic versions of DC superheroes and villains.. I remember the Sideshow DC license announcement video showed lots of classic DC characters, so I hope that will still hold true!
Re: Joker PF

That would really suck so bad if Sideshow can't make classic versions of DC superheroes and villains.. I remember the Sideshow DC license announcement video showed lots of classic DC characters, so I hope that will still hold true!

Pure speculation here, but I can see that being a major topic with DC and a huge point of contention. With the ____storm on the horizon about them rebooting their franchises both aesthetically and historically, I can see DC wanting to hype it as much as possible with merchandise that reflects Jim Lee's new designs and mythos for the new DCU and Sideshow wanting to do the classic designs everybody grew up with, knows and loves.
Re: Joker PF

Pure speculation here, but I can see that being a major topic with DC and a huge point of contention. With the ____storm on the horizon about them rebooting their franchises both aesthetically and historically, I can see DC wanting to hype it as much as possible with merchandise that reflects Jim Lee's new designs and mythos for the new DCU and Sideshow wanting to do the classic designs everybody grew up with, knows and loves.

I really hope this isn't the case. I know that even with the reboot that the guys at DC understand that we all love Classic representations. So I hope it's something small like the order of the characters released/movie tie-in releases and things like that.
Re: Joker PF

Well the "S" Shield there was the newer Superman shield as I pointed out in the official thread. I don't think you'll see Sideshow being forced to do all New 52 designs but I think you will see them folded in more than people would like I'm sure.

Some of them I actually prefer, if they stick to the conceptuals that is. I prefer this Bart and Conner over their old DC counterparts:



Don't really give a ____ about what they do with them in their books, visually the are better looking.
Re: Joker PF

Well the "S" Shield there was the newer Superman shield as I pointed out in the official thread. I don't think you'll see Sideshow being forced to do all New 52 designs but I think you will see them folded in more than people would like I'm sure.

Some of them I actually prefer, if they stick to the conceptuals that is. I prefer this Bart and Conner over their old DC counterparts:



Don't really give a ____ about what they do with them in their books, visually the are better looking.

Funny you should mention Bart I have him in the "Kid Flash" outfit tattooed to me. But I do like the new uniform, not so much on Connor's new digs.
Re: Joker PF

Really? I think it's leaps and bounds better than the stupid t-shirt and jeans that ironically they have now given to Clark.
Re: Joker PF

Really? I think it's leaps and bounds better than the stupid t-shirt and jeans that ironically they have now given to Clark.

Meh, I've never been one for the "armored kryptonian" look. I mean they're already nearly invincible. And I liked the T-shirt and Jeans, kinda separated him from the rest and gave him the "I don't need a suit" attitude. Maybe I just read into it to much but putting him in what looks like Neon glow tron outfit just says "we're trying to hard" from an art stand point.
Re: Joker PF

I liked the t-shirt and jeans too. Conner was too conflicted about who he was to ever commit to a costume.

And if DC wants their new art made into collectibles, they still have DC Direct.
Re: Joker PF

It's been removed from the Upcoming Products lineup...


If that means anything...