I really hope the show makes it to Joss's episodes (6 and forward), the good ones. Cause if they don't get better soon, this show is going in the can. It's already bad enough as it is, but if his episodes don't produce, this show is dead.
Still the questions remains, why the ^^^^ did he go back to Fox??!!!!!
Because if this show fails, I will put most of the blame on Joss, not Fox. Fox is just doing what it does, but Joss should have known better after Firefly. Superiorly stupid decision on his part.
The thing is though. If we're losing viewers as much as we are, about half a mill per episode, then even if Joss's episodes are spectacular, what is that really going to do for us?
Anyone see Big Bang Theory with Summer Glau (as herself)? - I can see almost everyone on this board acting that way around her...
They are getting into the Alpha story line way too much I think - it's been a part of every single episode. I'm expecting they wrap it up by 6.
Didn't they say Alpha was one of them (like echo) but they made him with a fall back program with assasin skills or what not. And he went all crazy. So that would rule out the detective. Still don't get why he killed everyone but echo in the flashbacks..?? She just sat there, he could have easily. ?? I'm sure all will be revealed soon.
They are getting into the Alpha story line way too much I think - it's been a part of every single episode. I'm expecting they wrap it up by 6.