Jurassic Park Collectible Thread (JP, TLW:JP, JPIII, JW, JW:FK)

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Re: Jurassic Park Collectible Thread (JP, TLW:JP, JPIII, JW)

Ouch. Those don't look much better than the JW line, depending on how the final products differ from the protos. Kinda underwhelmed that there's no Indoraptor in the line.

My guess is, even though these products are for specific eyes only, they're not allowed to show off Indoraptor yet.

Well damn, that killed all my enthusiasm of that leaked Rex pic.

My enthusiasm is not squashed, only for the fact that Mattel produces both collector and kid grade products. These all look kid oriented. Look at the BvsS and Justice League toys, there's the cheaper kid toys and then there's pricier collector aimed ones. I would imagine if the Rex image pans out to be real, it's a collector, deluxe edition that'll cost more than most parents would spend on kids.

These look light years ahead of the JW line, we finally get a Blue figure that looks like Blue. Plus Owen and Claire figures that look like the actors.

I would say the overall quality doesn't look much different for Jurassic World, but in that quality, they seem more accurate than JW toys were.
Re: Jurassic Park Collectible Thread (JP, TLW:JP, JPIII, JW)

My guess is, even though these products are for specific eyes only, they're not allowed to show off Indoraptor yet.

My enthusiasm is not squashed, only for the fact that Mattel produces both collector and kid grade products. These all look kid oriented. Look at the BvsS and Justice League toys, there's the cheaper kid toys and then there's pricier collector aimed ones. I would imagine if the Rex image pans out to be real, it's a collector, deluxe edition that'll cost more than most parents would spend on kids.

I would say the overall quality doesn't look much different for Jurassic World, but in that quality, they seem more accurate than JW toys were.

I certainly hope so. I can't believe it's been 25 years and there hasn't been a decent representation of the JP1 Female.
Re: Jurassic Park Collectible Thread (JP, TLW:JP, JPIII, JW)

Back in the day HT would have made this. The other films too.

Before the dark times.

Before the MCU.

The Dark Knight started it all, before that film, HT produced a wide variety of properties, then the Dark Knight hit and elevated the quality of their products and increased demand for that quality and HT slowly transisted to making only the most popular properties and turned their backs on older properties that made them who they are. MCU and Star Wars are just the current properties getting the bulk of their attention.
Re: Jurassic Park Collectible Thread (JP, TLW:JP, JPIII, JW)

I certainly hope so. I can't believe it's been 25 years and there hasn't been a decent representation of the JP1 Female.

Forget the JP1 female, just the Stan Winston Rex design in general, male or female. The best "toy" I've seen of the Winston Rex is the original Papo, the paint isn't spot on but the sculpt is. Unfortunately, it's stuck in a wrapping pose and not stretched out in full glory, and the "running" Papo Rex looks like a cross between the V-Rex from Kong 2005 and the Winston.
Re: Jurassic Park Collectible Thread (JP, TLW:JP, JPIII, JW)

Forget the JP1 female, just the Stan Winston Rex design in general, male or female. The best "toy" I've seen of the Winston Rex is the original Papo, the paint isn't spot on but the sculpt is. Unfortunately, it's stuck in a wrapping pose and not stretched out in full glory, and the "running" Papo Rex looks like a cross between the V-Rex from Kong 2005 and the Winston.

True. Although I much prefer the brown over the green skin.
Re: Jurassic Park Collectible Thread (JP, TLW:JP, JPIII, JW)

I have both, as pricey as they are now, I'm looking for a cheap one to take a crack at giving a more accurate paint job on, brown female, not crazy about the green scheme so much.
Re: Jurassic Park Collectible Thread (JP, TLW:JP, JPIII, JW)

I like the Papo molds, but as you said... it's stuck in that awful pose.
Re: Jurassic Park Collectible Thread (JP, TLW:JP, JPIII, JW)

I wouldn't mind the pose if there were more JP Rex collectibles sculpted to that level of accuracy, but when it's your only option, it becomes less desirable.
Re: Jurassic Park Collectible Thread (JP, TLW:JP, JPIII, JW)

True. A more varied level of browns for the skin, with dark eye sockets would make all the difference.
Re: Jurassic Park Collectible Thread (JP, TLW:JP, JPIII, JW)

Apparently the Rex at the top-left corner is supposed to be this:



Whoa where is this from? This is really good. But yea I don’t think they will make something that looks that good. I mean come on it looks pretty accurate to the movie
Re: Jurassic Park Collectible Thread (JP, TLW:JP, JPIII, JW)

The Dark Knight started it all, before that film, HT produced a wide variety of properties, then the Dark Knight hit and elevated the quality of their products and increased demand for that quality and HT slowly transisted to making only the most popular properties and turned their backs on older properties that made them who they are. MCU and Star Wars are just the current properties getting the bulk of their attention.

Tell this to people all the time when they say “ I hope hot toys makes this” if it’s not a Disney property or DC there chances of making it are slim to none. That’s how it is.
Re: Jurassic Park Collectible Thread (JP, TLW:JP, JPIII, JW)

Whoa where is this from? This is really good. But yea I don’t think they will make something that looks that good. I mean come on it looks pretty accurate to the movie

I think that's doable for a collector priced figure, it looks more true to film than the "toys" I posted, but for the most part, it doesn't look like a paint job much better than the '93 Kenner, just more true colors instead of maroon with black spots that almost look more like a cow than the rex.
Re: Jurassic Park Collectible Thread (JP, TLW:JP, JPIII, JW)

His chronicle repaint is leaps and bounds beyond that flat, textureless stock paintjob.

So glad I cancelled that one.

For the price of the piece, that statue should have had paint at least somewhere between what was shipped and his repaint.
Re: Jurassic Park Collectible Thread (JP, TLW:JP, JPIII, JW)

Though I agree the Chronicle Breakout T-Rex should've had a better, more true to prototype paintjob, it gets a lot of heat that sometimes seems exaggerated. Granted mine is straight from their own store, and two of their folks (Alex one of them) did paint it some more and sent pics and took some direction, it still is by far the best Winston Rex ever massproduced, IMO. Made me sell my MIB 1997 Thrasher upon arrival. And that says everything. Not trying to reignite the BO Rex fire, but I for one don't regret shiet.




Just got two Rebor Raptors, Winston and Springheeled Jack to go with it. They do work scale wise (quite roughly) and I think it can make for a nice dynamic display. Now I just need a bigger display case.
Re: Jurassic Park Collectible Thread (JP, TLW:JP, JPIII, JW)

Is there any word on someone having the license since Chronicle don't give two ****s about the 1/6 license?

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