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I really don't think it's JP, I'm sure whatever it is, it's a very subtle hint at it and when it's revealed fans of whatever will think oh, it was a tease of that, why didn't it occur to me, but outside of being footprints, possibly, I see nothing indicative of Jurassic Park, and really, they don't need anymore teasing like this for this line, it's out there, do a preview of the next dio, like usual, and move on.
Actually, I was thinking more of the BBC TV show, which already has a cult following (if rather small) here in the States.

I'm sure that's not what it is... but I'd be lying if I said it wasn't the first thing I was reminded of when I saw that splash teaser.
Actually, I was thinking more of the BBC TV show, which already has a cult following (if rather small) here in the States.

I'm sure that's not what it is... but I'd be lying if I said it wasn't the first thing I was reminded of when I saw that splash teaser.

Completely forgot about the BBS program. From what I've watched, it seems very enjoyable, and I can see why the preview brought it to mind. Still, nothing comes to mind that is evocative what could have created the footprints.
Completely forgot about the BBS program. From what I've watched, it seems very enjoyable, and I can see why the preview brought it to mind. Still, nothing comes to mind that is evocative what could have created the footprints.

It's a sauropod....just wait and see. :rolleyes:
It's a sauropod....just wait and see. :rolleyes:

Nailed it. I was wracking my brain with main stream creatures from movies or popular genres. It would make sense that this was a "BIG" announcement if it were a pun with sauropods. Have to say, I'm hoping for a large JP statue/maquette... that would make sense. Though I would still prefer it to be one of the film's big carnivores. I doubt a Brachiosaurus from JP or a Mamenchisaurus from TLW would sell particularly well. It would be a waste of a second release in the line. Bring on T.rex, raptor, or dilo. I'll be on board.

I have long said I would be behind the JP line all the way... but I don't see many fans, even die hard JP or dino fans, doling out $200+ for a JP sauropod.
In a way it reminds me of the episode of Family Guy where Peter, Joe and Cleveland staged Quagmire's death and in the video they faked he was eaten by a dinosaur and Peter hummed the JP theme as it was eating him, funny ^^^^.

I just watched the Klauder video on the Sideshow Site, and it too reminded me of the Family Guy episode! :rotfl
My guess regarding prey might have been a JP dio of T.rex hunting Gallimimus. They the "Prey" title might make sense, but the footprints wouldn't. The plot thickens.
Nailed it. I was wracking my brain with main stream creatures from movies or popular genres. It would make sense that this was a "BIG" announcement if it were a pun with sauropods. Have to say, I'm hoping for a large JP statue/maquette... that would make sense. Though I would still prefer it to be one of the film's big carnivores. I doubt a Brachiosaurus from JP or a Mamenchisaurus from TLW would sell particularly well. It would be a waste of a second release in the line. Bring on T.rex, raptor, or dilo. I'll be on board.

I have long said I would be behind the JP line all the way... but I don't see many fans, even die hard JP or dino fans, doling out $200+ for a JP sauropod.

My "proof" that I had posted in another thread:

It's obviously a large sauropod's footprints. (Brachiosaurus, Diplodocus, etc...)

The smaller part of each print is the front footprint. The larger part of each print is the back footprint.

As in: The sauropod's left front foot makes the smaller print. Then as it brings it's left back foot forward, it steps into the area directly BEHIND the left front foot.

Here's an example:


And lastly...a pic of actual, fossilized sauropod tracks with a bit of the teaser pic. There's no mistaking the similarities.
Excellent research, Sabres. I've seen a Diplodocus print in person and while it's not quite as definitive or memorable as seeing the print of, say, an Allosaur, it's still a cool find.

Again, MF, I have to echo your frustration... I only hope that in the end the quality of the dio is reflected in the length of our wait.