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I'm not so much bothered by the wait, but given the wait, I don't want to see a new product premier with the first one still not shipping is all.
that would be awesome.
Might be stood on two legs too. :lol

That would be a must buy....although you would have thought the other dio would be too, but it just didn't impress me for some reason.
Now, a T-rex ripping apart a land cruiser...
That's a fact that leads me to think the new announcement isn't JP, if the Rex dio is struggling for sales, I can't imagine how poorly the Brachiosaur moment would be, it's cool and iconic, but as much as I like JP I wouldn't spend more than $150 on a dio of that moment, maybe not even that much.
I may end up canceling the Rex dio if I don't see anything new by the time this one ships. I was expecting a line, not a single dio. And while they may have more in the works, without even a hint of new stuff, I'm quickly & sadly losing interest in this line.
Sideshow. Too many properties. Not enough bodies.

Seriously. No more Indy, no more Terminator. Of course, GI looks good now, but whats to say there will be anymore of those.

The only group with regular bodies is SW and they can have that. Just doesn't do it for me. I know it's profitable for them, but other people want different stuff too.
I know it's profitable for them, but other people want different stuff too.

They understand people want other properties and they want to make them, but in the equation of a successful line, enough collectors to support it is a key ingredient and I think that's JP's loss, I don't think it has the collector fanbase for high-priced pieces that SSC dios would require to thrive.

As far as this dio, I wonder if the box art will feature an In Memory off message or what not for Stan Winston as it's the most soon to be released product that was underway while he passed. Predator dio was probably too far along.
Haha, of all things, I just got the processig notice for the Dio. 21 days out. I guess that gives me plenty of time to decide on this one.

What is everyone else doing, keeping it or dropping it??
Didn't get mine yet, but I'm keeping it. I love the JP T-Rex and I think this is a very cool piece. If for some reason there's any money issues when the time comes I'll cancel and reorder, should be around for awhile, and if I miss out on the Ex. doing that I won't be heartbroken, I think it's neat to have but my main goal is the dinos.
Just got my email as well.

I'm keeping my order for the Exclusive, partly because I used Rewards Points to get it for $150.
Sideshow. Too many properties. Not enough bodies.

Agreed. Sideshow started spreading themselves thin about the time that Conan (not to mention Reign of Fire and Tremors), etc were first announced.

Order kept.
Haha, of all things, I just got the processig notice for the Dio. 21 days out. I guess that gives me plenty of time to decide on this one.

What is everyone else doing, keeping it or dropping it??

KEEPING IT! But then, I'm biased (see sig). Got my notice too. 21 days and counting. :rock
Hey guys, anyone know what scale this is in, if any?

And also this one:

Can you tell the length of them from the wall to the tip of their nose? I just can't.
Gruson had one a while back, not sure whether or not he sold it off. The second bust pictured is not entirely accurate, though. If you look closely you can see the scarring, showing it is the male T.rex from TLW with the paint scheme of the female from JP.
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Whenever I saw pics of his collection, it was like someone ringing a bell for Pavlov's dogs. :drool
Ya, between what he had and how he displayed, it was always something to see his collection, I actually consider his display area a bar to reach with my own someday.