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how many were made and what do they retail for ?

AFAIK. Only few were fully bulit and painted through private commissions. It's not mass produced product. The busts are just some of the hardcore JP fans's efforts.

I'm extremely disappointed how Sideshow handled this super liscense. SAD!

Only one US seller is selling the cast.

Btw, just FYI.
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Nice that they give Kudos to Studio oxmox in the link. Prehistoric Times gives them a remarkable amount of coverage, and rightfully so given the painstaking accuracy that goes into their life-size replicas; and their T.rex diorama is quite impressive as well.
its gotta be the scene where allan and the kids are walking through and the rex jumps outta the bush casing those ostrich things ( sorry I suck at dinosaur names :lol ).
Should look pretty bad ass. :rock
I have actually always thought the cgi in jp was awesome. Especially for when it was released. The thing that made it so special to me ( obviously not in this scene ) was the fact that they used puppets and animatronics as well as cgi to make it that bit more real. :rock

Oh and I'm never gonna remember that dinosaur name ... :lol
:D:D:D:D:D Does this show how happy I am right now?

I'm thinking... check that, hoping, that it is the scene of the T.rex attacking the Gallimimus stampede.

Why would you look at JP as bad CGI? Still to this day I think it has more believable CGI than most movies that are currently being released.

That said, pleeeeeeeease be a new JP product! It seems like such a certitude now, and fitting with the first dio shipping soon!

*EDIT* Across the board people seem confident now that it's a JP product... but whether or not it is a "new line" or "new product" is hard to say, given the teaser. Thoughts? Another VS dio is a possibility, in particularly the T.rex attacking the Gallimimus stampede, though I worry it may be a bit too soon upon the heels of the "When Dinosaurs Ruled the Earth" dio and be interpreted as too similar. Personally, I'd still be happy, but I'm curious what you all think. And in terms of a new line... possibly busts, maquettes? Maybe Sideshow has more than one product on the docket... that would certainly constitute "BIG".
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Felipe (FelMarWETA) would know. He has one and looks gorgeous. I just linked him to this page.

Thanks for the PM, Neehar :)

It is indeed a 1:5 scale bust, it measures 22inches from the base to the tip of the nose. Made by Howard S studios and I got it painted by RickDTM :rock


Now lets see what new JP item we get for spooktacular :chew
its gotta be the scene where allan and the kids are walking through and the rex jumps outta the bush casing those ostrich things ( sorry I suck at dinosaur names :lol ).
Should look pretty bad ass. :rock

The "Prey" tracks don't match up with a Gallimimus print.

It's definately a Theropod attacking/tracking a Sauropod. Gallimimus is not a Sauropod, and would not leave that type of print. It's actually of the suborder Theropoda and would leave a track similar, albiet smaller, to a T-Rex type print.

I'm guessing a T-Rex attacking a Diplodocus, or something along those lines.
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I'm guessing a T-Rex attacking a Diplodocus, or something along those lines.

That doesn't sound good though, the sales on the first dio don't seem to be doing so hot, and that's a dio based off an actual film scene, I can't imagine what sales would be like on a scene that never happened.
maybe they just did the prints anyway they thought looked good.
I know its not attention to detail like they usually would be like but I think this is more likely than them making a dio of something that never happened in the movie.
Unless its not even JP.
At this point, unless it's something other than JP dios, I can't imagine the announcement being JP, seems like a fairly planned out campaign for a license that really just needs an announcement asap to give some hope that it'll be more than one piece in it.
The "Prey" tracks don't match up with a Gallimimus print.

It's definately a Theropod attacking/tracking a Sauropod. Gallimimus is not a Sauropod, and would not leave that type of print. It's actually of the suborder Theropoda and would leave a track similar, albiet smaller, to a T-Rex type print.

I'm guessing a T-Rex attacking a Diplodocus, or something along those lines.

It is doubtless a Sauropod print, but if we want to get that particular, the print looks to be akin to an Apatosaurus and the theropod print looks more akin to Carcharodontosaurus. That being said, I don't see us as getting a VS dio of an Apatosaurus being attacked by a Carcharodontosaurus... considering that neither of them were featured in any JP film.

It would seem sensible that they're just establishing the whole hunter and prey theme, throwing humans into the mix. Placing the prints of carnivorous and herbivorous dinos together, then adding humans with a third teaser. A Carcharodontosaurus hunting a species of Sauropod would make sense, but since it's JP, I'm betting that's not what we'll receive.
Like the final product more then the prototype. Wish i was getting it. But if SS really is dumping the JP license for a less cool dino license i might have to get this dio.