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I'm very happy with how the production piece turned out! It looks great and I'm keeping my order for the Exclusive. But I must admit, I'm almost inclined to cancel on principle if Sideshow has indeed dumped this license to cheap out and make "a new line of proprietary designs" instead of anymore JP pieces as all.
Looks like this will probably get the axe, it just isn't going to be a big enough piece to stand out in my collection I am afraid. The new pics do look good enough though.

Glad to see JP love for the final product! :D What we need is for SSC to see the positive reactions over this piece, and to turn their attention to the JP license. If anything it should be done in respect to the painstakingly rendered designs of Stan the Man! :bow
According to the previous processing emails, today was the day that the JP Dio orders were to begin processing. Looks like that isn't happening and that this might get delayed a bit.

I just hope it doesn't hit the same week as the Anakin PF (which is due to start next Monday). That would be brutal on the wallet. :(
Well, at the moment, I'm going to have to temporarily cancel this and re-order it in a month or so, need the money to pay of some bills, and the regular's still around so shouldn't be a problem, and more I think of it, the less I see a use for the exclusive banner, so if I miss it, oh well.
Glad to see JP love for the final product! :D What we need is for SSC to see the positive reactions over this piece, and to turn their attention to the JP license. If anything it should be done in respect to the painstakingly rendered designs of Stan the Man! :bow

Exactly my thoughts ! :banana
Well, at the moment, I'm going to have to temporarily cancel this and re-order it in a month or so, need the money to pay of some bills, and the regular's still around so shouldn't be a problem, and more I think of it, the less I see a use for the exclusive banner, so if I miss it, oh well.

Gasp! Say it ain't so! The exclusive banner makes the scene for me; it's what gives the scene its name, and seeing it dislodge from the ceiling and fall gracefully before the victorious T.rex is one of my favorite moments in all of cinema. Still, I know all too well how rough it is right now to balance collecting with financial obligations. Ebay has seen many of my items ship to other eager buyers so that I can bring in the dough.

Exactly my thoughts ! :banana

We need to get the word out, my friend! :rock
Gasp! Say it ain't so! The exclusive banner makes the scene for me; it's what gives the scene its name, and seeing it dislodge from the ceiling and fall gracefully before the victorious T.rex is one of my favorite moments in all of cinema. Still, I know all too well how rough it is right now to balance collecting with financial obligations. Ebay has seen many of my items ship to other eager buyers so that I can bring in the dough.

Well, my reasoning on the banner is this. It makes the film scene, but I can just tell it has shortcomings for the collectible. In the film it's cool because it's falling, or laying just perfectly in front of the Rex in the right still shot, but with the surrounding architecture absent, and having to rig something to suspend the banner from to make it look falling and cool, it ends up just being a piece of cloth or whatever laying around on the piece. Like I said, if I can still get it later, cool, but it won't break my heart.
I understand. The architecture of the Visitor Center and/or having the banner flailing in mid-air would have been your preference. For me the banner defines the piece as an icon, gives it its name, and adds another dimension of realism in a sense. I understand what you're saying, though. Others have said the same, I just feel differently... and I've been waiting for a high end piece from this movie since 1993, so...

Sorry to hear you have to cancel it, but hopefully you'll be able to snag it again once things settle down.
That's why I still intend to get this, just need to delay it for a short time. I love the JP Rex and ordered this as soon as it went up.
I thought from the new picture up. That the banner is falling on the T-Rex like in the movie. Was this a mock up? I hope not! I was excited to see they had done that.
Just got another processing email. Looks like tomorrow:

Dear Valued Collector,

We will begin processing all orders for the 'When Dinosaurs Ruled the Earth' - T-Rex VS Velociraptors Diorama – Sideshow Exclusive collectible (item #81181) on October 30th. We ask that you have the funds available on your credit card by this date to ensure the successful processing and shipment of your order.
That's why I only use RP for absolute will not cancel items, otherwise I don't risk the waste of them.

It's just temporarily, mid-late november I should have my bills in order enough to buy it again.