It is exciting news indeed.

I'm most excited for the T-Rex. I really hope it is a diorama piece that includes the fence, muddy ground, and even the Explorers. I'll still probably end up buying the Sideshow Dinosauria Tyrant King statue any way.
Went for my second Jurassic World viewing last night, this time in IMAX 3D. Even better the second time! So many nostalgic moments, even scenes that put water in my eyes. Best movie I've seen in a long time. Not sure what to say that hasn't been said already.
Before going to the movie I killed time in the mall the theater is housed in. While walking around I thought I could hear dinosaur sounds. It's a huge mall, so to pinpoint the sounds was difficult. But eventually I walked down one wing and found the source of the sounds!
I also took a video:
He's on display to promote a dinosaur exhibit at a science center in the same city.