Just Cancelled $924.93 Worth of Stuff!

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I just sold about $350 worth of stuff on eBay.... but thats so I can afford to move :monkey2 And it was stuff I decided after getting I really didn't need. But I have a feeling that there will be a few items I might have to part with 1) because of money for others and 2) because of space.

But, I would not sell the Luke if I were you... if anything he's good for the display, but more importantly (to me) he is the first figure out of a great line and I think over time will continue to be the most difficult (expensive) one to get as an exclusive... just my 2 cents :monkey3
I'm going through my list of pre-orders and I have about $450 worth of stuff that's going. It kinda sucks but I really need to make some sacrificies for the items I really want.
I gotta cancel a few things myself. As well as sell some other stuff I have now...I am gonna scale back quite a bit. So, I can free up some money as well as space.

Gonna sell a little at a time, that's all.

I don't have anything coming for awhile. Not till P.F. Lurtz comes out.
It's just part of all this.................as time goes on, and folks start putting aside what their not really interested in, it will be interesting to see those that haven't even started to collect this line go crazy looking(and spending big bucks on the bay)...................it's just like the LOTR 1/6 line. I think some folks down play how beautiful this line really is. It's going to be a big regret.............Aragorn will only bring tears for some.................just my 2 cents.............
I cancelled about $1500 worth of Sideshow preorders. Most of it included SW 12" figures. I am cashing out of this line and concentrating on the GG maquettes.

I will continue to collect the LOTR 12" line. The detail of the costumes make it a crime to cancel those figures.
SolidLiquidFox said:
I cancelled about $1500 worth of Sideshow preorders. Most of it included SW 12" figures. I am cashing out of this line and concentrating on the GG maquettes.

I will continue to collect the LOTR 12" line. The detail of the costumes make it a crime to cancel those figures.

I'm only getting Leia and Boba GG. I think, like with anything, getting too many makes them all less cool.
I 've had to do the same recently with a bunch of SS stuff that was on pre-order....I had not really sat back and looked at what i had on order and what the total cost was going to end up being...

With the way SS has been pumping out products left and right,versus the way they used to sell(a few figures here and there), I have no way of keeping up with all that is coming out....I have to do some rethinking of exactly what I intend to collect from SS...

I had never had this problem with SS before as they didn't SOOOO many GREAT things consistenly coming out that I had so much interest in...These are difficult times...Sideshow is just making to much kick ass stuff!!
King Darkness said:
With the way SS has been pumping out products left and right,versus the way they used to sell(a few figures here and there), I have no way of keeping up with all that is coming out....I have to do some rethinking of exactly what I intend to collect from SS...

I'm glad I made the decision to only get the 1/6th scale stuff - I can afford pretty much all the 1/6th lines as long as the rate they actually come out at stays at about the current levels. Remember the stuff we're seeing is going to come out over the next 12 months - there will probably relatively few new product announcements for at least the next two month, maybe even twice that.
I hate to admit but I've been cancelling pre-orders now more than ever.

With the amount of stuff SS is releaseing it's impossible to keep up with everything that I want to. Just look at all the pieces that are just being released this month!! :google It's crazy.

Let's face it people, this isn't a cheap hobby. It takes a lot of $$$$ and for that matter display space to keep up with everything SS is releasing.

I have a feeling that a lot of people will be dropping several of the less popular lines and concentrating on the bigger ones like Star Wars and LOTR. This in the long run is going to hurt those less popular lines and eventually force SS to probably drop those lines entirely. It's sad for the fans of those lines but SS is going to do what is best for them.
It's very liberating now that I have streamlined what I'll be getting.

I think it's very easy to get caught up on the excitement. It's not the large purchases that kill you. It's the little 12" figures and medicoms and electric tikis...etc. Those are the ones that add up. Especially when you are also looking at what cool stuff Gentle Giant and Cinemaquette are doing.

I love the preorders I kept. Lots of cool stuff like Boba PF, Jaws, Wolverine comiquette, upcoming Hulk Gray PF, Both Ghost Riders...

Writing off SW 12" takes a HUGE monkey off my back. After seeing where we were going with Jabba I came to realize it's going to get out of hand. It's very exciting stuff but I think it will look cluttered once the next year comes along and we see the line explode. LOTR 12" seems more low profile and the fantasy theme of the costumes make the figures more worth it to me.
Its funny, PF Boba Fett made me officially decide to cancel BOTH the SW and LOTR 1/6 lines and just have a small but very high quality collection of PF's (six or seven max).

Then Jabba changed all that. He's basically PF himself, comes with an amazing entourage of accessories and upcoming figures (Bib Fortuna and Boushh) and both promotes the fun of collecting a few more key members of his court (Boba Fett, Lando, Slave Leia, and a Gamorrean Guard) but also makes it easy to cap your collection at just those figures without it feeling incomplete.

So Jabba made me decide to cancel the PF's and LOTR 1/6. *THEN* I saw the pics Wor-Gar posted of the LOTR figures surrounding the Witch King bust and I can't *imagine* cancelling my exclusive Aragorn, Legolas, and Boromir now.

So it'll be Jabba's court and LOTR for me. Cancelling Dagobah Luke and PF Boba Fett, selling Kit Fisto (which just arrived), Mace Windu, and probably Han and Jedi Anakin as well.

Selling a ton of Hasbro figures and some original fantasy artwork by Matt Stawicki and Clyde Caldwell so that Jabba and LOTR don't take too much out of pocket.
SolidLiquidFox said:
I hear you man. However, cancelling Fett PF may have been a mistake.

Except that Fett PF and the Jabba set looks to be hitting around the same time. That's a significant chunk of change to cough up all at once for some of us...

...which sucks because I was eyeing up that 20 inch Hunter-Killer replica but I can't afford that PLUS the entire Jabba the Hutt diorama (that would be $750+ all in a three month span on Flexpay).
I may have to cancel some stuff in the future but I hope not. After receiving PF Grievous, 12" Luke, Kit, & Anakin I'm hooked. The 12" Star Wars line is going to be fun to collect. I have all the exclusives/inclusives on order along with PF ex Boba Fett, 12" LOTR ex figures (waitlist for Aragorn), PF ex Lurtz, 12" T2 ex figures, T-1000 bust, and a 12" R. Lee Ermey figure.

I'm glad the 12" lines for LOTR & T2 are slow since it will help me collect all 3 12" lines. Selective buying is in order for the PF lines due to cost & size. Plus, I wasn't a fan of PF Luke, Han, Dagobah Luke, or Frodo.

No interest in the other lines except Marvel but haven't been able to hold & pull the trigger on anything yet.

1st quarter '07 - Boba Fett PF, Jabba set, and T-1000 bust. :google :horror
I will add--at least with FLexpay, I get firm billing dates. I hope they stick to those, because I'm using those to figure out my monthly budget. If they do, that's a nice change of pace from the $1000 of stuff shipping in the same month.
feste said:
I will add--at least with FLexpay, I get firm billing dates. I hope they stick to those, because I'm using those to figure out my monthly budget. If they do, that's a nice change of pace from the $1000 of stuff shipping in the same month.

At most, your dates will get pushed BACK not forward. The Jabba set will likely run into delays, so your Flexpay schedule on the throne will be adjusted accordingly.
A good thing for me is that most of the companies producing action figures are putting out less stuff, or going out of business. I'm also much more focused on 1/6 these days, so Sideshow is really filling a need. But I do fear that before too long, I will probably have to sell off a sizeable chunk of my collection... so many figures just rot away in boxes these days :monkey2
galactiboy said:
But I do fear that before too long, I will probably have to sell off a sizeable chunk of my collection... so many figures just rot away in boxes these days :monkey2

That's how I see it so I decided to drop 12" SW. The problem with wanting to keep a 12" line complete is that as more and more pieces accumulate they do not display as well as statues (or in my case maquettes). If you have ever seen a cabinet full of 12" to it's maximum capacity you know what I mean.

These are Sideshow's big money makers and they will be pushed out more consistently. If you have the cash and the space to keep up and display these properly I say go for it.