Justice League Movie (Nov 17th, 2017)

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Man I really don't want this movie to suck. This is the justice league we are talking about. We have been with them for years. They are arguably more popular than the avengers were. Nobody knew who the hell black widow or vision were 10 years ago but automatically knew Wonder Woman and Martian manhunter . It boggles my mind that WB is so stupid with these characters. Dc has amazing stories and iconic looks. Now they are just being picked on. Say what you want about marvel but they love there characters and have faith in them. Atleast some.

I still can't get over how stupid joker is and how bland super man is.
You certainly hit the nail on the head. well said.

Cyborg looks great though doesn't he.

Man I really don't want this movie to suck. This is the justice league we are talking about. We have been with them for years. They are arguably more popular than the avengers were. Nobody knew who the hell black widow or vision were 10 years ago but automatically knew Wonder Woman and Martian manhunter . It boggles my mind that WB is so stupid with these characters. Dc has amazing stories and iconic looks. Now they are just being picked on. Say what you want about marvel but they love there characters and have faith in them. Atleast some.

I still can't get over how stupid joker is and how bland super man is.
Yeah, DC had a lower hurdle to cross for good and fan-supported comic movies, but haven't been able to clear it yet.

I'm just realizing that with Cyborg and a Flash that seems to have the age and personality characteristics of post-80s Wally West, this is essentially a mix of the Teen Titans and Justice League right out the gate.
It doesn't look great. I think they didn't go practical with it, because it will have a lot of features. An evolving mother box essentially.

From the brief snippet in the trailer and these photos he has a kind of Transformer/Terminator Endo look which is not great. This is supposed to be highly advanced technology, so it should be more technorganic. You'd think with Cyborg DC/Warner would be looking to one-up the Iron Man suits, but instead this looks like a step back and a missed opportunity. The suit is all CGI and performance capture so they can design pretty much without limitations and this is the best they come up with. I think Snyder is a great visual filmmaker who's terrible at narrative, and a few years ago he was on the leading edge of visualization but now his one-trick is playing thing. Heck, the friggin' Power Ranger suits may end up looking better. I'm still holding out hope that JLA will blow us away and be a huge hit. I'm also hoping that the visuals will evolve, but then again I thought the all CGI Doomsday design was going to evolve and keep sprouting bone plates until it was closer to the comic look, but that didn't happen.

Correct me if I am wrong, but isn't it rumored that Bruce make Flash a better suit than the one pictured?

Hopefully this isn't the "better" suit. If the suit has to be a series of plates for friction andaerodynamic reason, why not just shrink them all down to like 1/4" or 1/8" and call them nanoplates or something? It could be made so they assemble onto him into a form-fitting suit, which would be a pretty cool effect.

He looks like those countless character concepts that don't get approved and show up in extra features and stuff, except this one did get approved :lol

Right up there with Doomsday, Abomination and Ultron. Often times the concept art is better and you're like "why the heck didn't they go with that?" Hollywood used to rely on test audiences and would often do reshoots, re-edits and reworks based on feedback. These days studios able to get instant feedback from core fans, but it seems like they just ignore it. I remember everyone saying Doomsday looked generic and DC said that the creature continues to evolve and grow bone plates. I do think XMen ended up changing the color of Apocalypse from Ivan Ooze purple to blue, but they didn't do anything about his diminutive size which has now become one of the running jokes.
I do think XMen ended up changing the color of Apocalypse from Ivan Ooze purple to blue...
It was a still photo with on-set purple lighting for his teleportation bubble (which was added during post-pro via CGI). Apocalypse was 99.9% practical, the only post-pro effect were white eyes for scenes in which he's usin' his powers.
I'm gonna see it, but after MOS, BvS, and SS this better awesomtacular or The DCEU is gonna be SOL.
I wasn't too hyped by the teaser trailer. I'm hoping the next trailer is more exciting. On the other hand, BvS and SS both had great trailers and look what happened with those.

I still have my fingers crossed for WW but that might be a crapshoot. :lol
WW looks good, but I still have no idea what it's about. I hope it's good. After Green Lantern both WB and D.C. owes us all big time!!!!
I wasn't too hyped by the teaser trailer. I'm hoping the next trailer is more exciting. On the other hand, BvS and SS both had great trailers and look what happened with those.

I still have my fingers crossed for WW but that might be a crapshoot. :lol
Snyder can definitely put together a good trailer. And he can organize a dramatic fighting scene. I don't expect anything beyond that.
Don't give up! I'm sure they'll get better. On a side note I just saw Kevin Smith picks for best movies of 2016. Although he hosted a special on the DC films and he named his daughter Harley Quin not one DC film made his list.
Come on now. Your reviews of DCEU films is a highlight of these boards. Don't make us wait until these hit Red Box. :lecture
:lol Yes, I'm sure my frustration- and annoyance-induced rants would be terribly missed. If I get a coupon from my phone, I might end up doing it. I may end up going anyway, but my wife refuses to see any of the DC stuff at all, so that's a hurdle. She was chomping at the bit to see Ant-Man and Dr. Strange. And we'll probably be there opening night to see Guardians 2.