I’ll be that guy: at some point, Warner Bros. And DC Comics are going to have to say “Dear fanboys, kindly suck a ****. We make what we make, and, if you dislike it, **** you.” Otherwise, I feel like we’re just going to be perpetually embroiled in this cycle of misery as they try to cater to everyone’s demands.
Superman Returns: “Not enough action. Too close to the Reeve films.”
Man of Steel: “Too much action. Superman’s not heroic enough. Needs more Reeve influences.”
Batman v Superman: “Superman saves people, but he’s not happy enough about it. Batman’s TOO DARK. BATMAN DOESN’T KILL (even though he does in every other Batman movie to this point). THESE AREN’T THE CHARACTERS I GREW UP WITH, DC!”
Justice League: “DC TRIED TO BE TOO FUN. They can’t seem to figure out what they want to do with their heroes. Blahbitty Blah Blah Blah.”
Like, honestly, I was not anticipating this film. I still am not, and, now, even less so, as a fan of BvS who found that WB has, effectively, sold out and *******ized Snyder’s vision with the intent to sate the desires of all the obnoxious, armchair quarterback goons on the internet. You can have a divisive interpretation of these characters. That’s okay. Hell, you can always reboot it later, but, for Christ’s sake, commit to whatever vision it is you’re moving forward with.