Super Freak
I have no idea what to expect of it, I hope it's at least so bad it's good.I do NOT think i can watch this without nostalgia glasses or without dtooling over the princess. Im sure the movie for a grown up is garbage, but i had fun with it. It is a completely horrible adaptation of the game but as its own thing for the time it was a fun kids movie.
What makes it so creepy is that when they were carrying him down the pool, one of his arms falls unceremoniously to the side limpThe digging of supermans body was kind of iffy but i could get past it.
But seeing aquaman carrying his lifeless frail body was too much for me, jokes aside that was creepy as hell. Specially in that tie and suit.
The suit actually makes it creepier, i wish they just had him in his underwear
That and the cgi mouth together is the stuff of nerd nightmares..

That's when it hits the most that they're carrying a pale dead body and it looks weeeird.