I love your response.. And wish to join you
**** u WB and the mother******* horse u ****** in on
If you want to read more about WB's dickery there's this as well as stories are coming out:
It was never about the movie.
Lol that explains the decision for the kid to have Supermans powers... The next movie would have given us (and especially Singer) more time with him..

See, I respect Affleck. He's done some impressive stuff. And he seems like "just a guy" really. Pick-up truck and baseball hat. And one thing even the most vicious article seem to agree on is the actors in JL were trying hard with what they had to work with. That it's not their fault.
Also knew from Hobbit/LOTR fans that WB cheaped out handling those properties too.
IMO you don't bill someone like Affleck for a PROP. You don't even THINK that way

. Heck, other directors GIVE props and costumes to their actors. It's not like they don't make multiples of costumes and props anyway.
There's gotta be ONE stockholder at the annual meeting who's a comic book fan who has the stones to stand up and state the obvious - the problem at WB is that there's no manager making decisions who gives a **** about the properties it bought. That the fans are there to hand over dollars but now audiences are fed up

Sure, movies are a business. No profit, no movies. Too bad writing a good story - and bringing it to screen - is an art form. It's a risk that you need to invest in and maybe lose money on. Stories need to be built where things lead from A to B to C. It's like one article I read that said that Steppenwolf was so underdeveloped, they might as well have used a kitchen timer to start the battle. That's what happens when you do too much, too fast.
Trouble is, even if WM did some real soul-searching at this point, what creative, dynamic, Kevin-Feige type would want to go to work for this company? Ben Affleck probably can't wait to get in his pickup and burn rubber away from WB.
'Course, this is the same company that laid off a bunch of people not long ago.