Super Freak
One guy says he’d cast Jake Gyllenhaal as Batman now every article is an exact copy of that, I want more Batfleck.
One guy says he’d cast Jake Gyllenhaal as Batman now every article is an exact copy of that, I want more Batfleck.
Or Singers baggy pants I think he’s hiding a kid in there.
That’s why I can never take Routh serious as Superman he looks too cute lol
Balding Cavill, now that’s Superman.
Aquaman doesn't have to do 1 billion to do well 500-600m and it will be a huge success. I just hope it's a good movie.
Aquaman in the JL movie is a joke. I had such high hopes. His character is a king. He should be dead serious and dangerous. Instead he's a super powered surfer dude.
Ma man
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It was more Momoaman then Aquaman. I suspect that is what we will continue to see with the standalone flim, as well. Too bad. This DCEU is a sinking ship.
Aquaman in the JL movie is a joke. I had such high hopes. His character is a king. He should be dead serious and dangerous. Instead he's a super powered surfer dude.
Atleast Star Wars took the fan raging off justice league lol. Funny how people were so angry st that movie and are now turning there sights on Star Wars. It’s like jl never happened.
Atleast Star Wars took the fan raging off justice league lol. Funny how people were so angry st that movie and are now turning there sights on Star Wars. It’s like jl never happened.
thats because justice league didnt have strong defenders.
Part of the rage and anger of Star Wars is the butt kissing fanboys that were talking about Russian Bots and Alt Right hackers. Those two things fueled the Rage Machine like crazy. the fact that people were genuinely blaming Russian robots and alt right trolls from the fan backlash made a lot of people hate Star wars extra hard.
It was like you had to prove that the movie sucked and the defenders had to ignore any problem. You saw a lot of this on twitter and REddit. This forum was tame in comparison to the shills that were defending the movie on twitter. At least people here gave reasons for liking the movie or reasons why they enjoyed it
on twitter if you even said you didnt like star wars you had people labeling you a fake russian account right away
Prequel Trilogy was basically hated by everyone equally