Super Freak
They are keeping Margot, Leto, Gal and Jason- why would they start recasting Supes? No way.
Because they are infiltrated Marvel agents and want just to keep what's bad in the DCEU. What's good has to go!
They are keeping Margot, Leto, Gal and Jason- why would they start recasting Supes? No way.
Who's Cavall? I can't find him on imdb.
Jason Cavall. He was a dolly grip on BvS. They want to recast him!
Where is that even from?
I saw rumours he may get ditched for his "rapist" comment - which would instantly see me quit as the DC cinematic universe's chief apologist!
Yeah, he is totally right. I'm the kind of guy who holds the door for women, not to flirt, but just out of courtesy, but now, when I do that I always think it may be considered sexist.
The #metoo movement was born out of a necessity, but if carried to far, instead of making for a better society, it will segregate men and women and make enemies of each other. Bad thing... That PC era is a real pain in the a$$.
Glad I’m married to amazing women and don’t have to deal with all of this.
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The Feminist attack anyone with a male organ who says anything about the Me Too movement... Cavill is just the latest one before that it was Mat Damon.... The feminist groups twisted what he said and tried to make it sound like he said "I don't go on dates anymore because I'd get in trouble if I rape someone" which is not what he said... but all these Feminist are all nuts right now.... You can't have a conversation with mentally unstable people...