"Skyscraper"... followed by: "Big Boat"... and the final chapter: "Rocket Train".... and then it all starts over again with: "Space Station".... and of course: "Time Machine" where they introduce a Young Rock who must work with old Rock.... and then the tired but still chugging: "Parallel Universe" where Rock finds multi-Rocks who join forces to save the universe.
Then the reboot of "Skyscraper" called: "Eco-Building"
"Skyscraper"... followed by: "Big Boat"... and the final chapter: "Rocket Train".... and then it all starts over again with: "Space Station".... and of course: "Time Machine" where they introduce a Young Rock who must work with old Rock.... and then the tired but still chugging: "Parallel Universe" where Rock finds multi-Rocks who join forces to save the universe.
Then the reboot of "Skyscraper" called: "Eco-Building"