I think some people are mis-interpreting what Snyder said. He was simply talking about his and Terrio's original plans for Justice league, which were changed before filming ever began. There's still a different cut to what we saw in theaters, almost every scene featuring Superman was re-shot by Whedon. People just want to see the un butchered cut, which Snyder supposedly claimed does indeed exist but will probably never be released by WB.
Only now discovered this T-shirt design Zack did for suicide prevention. Only makes me wish more we'd seen his full vision (especially when I read his plans for the Knightmare scenario!)
ReelAnarchy.com has uncovered a photo showing us Henry Cavill with mustache as Superman.
As everyone knows by now, Henry Cavill was in the midst of filming “Mission Impossible: Fallout” for Paramount Studios, in which his character sported a fairly prominent mustache. The problem was, Henry was also being asked to film reshoots as Superman for the “Justice League” movie for Warner Bros. Cavill was expected to be able to finish shooting the sixth “Mission Impossible” film before needing to don Superman’s spandex again. That didn’t happen, which required Henry to jump back and forth from each production. Paramount would not allow Cavill to shave the facial hair while production was taking place, which meant the mustache he grew for his character in the “Mission Impossible” sequel had to be digitally removed in post-production… and it didn’t look good.
Now we have the following photo showing us what that looked like. As you can see, Cavill not only has the mustache, but there are also motion capture “dots” on his face, which were placed to help map the movement of his face for post-production removal of the facial hair.
I'm not sure which is more bizarre, that the studios couldn't come to an agreement on a fake or CGI mo, or that they couldn't pull off the CGI mo removal.