Justice League Movie (Nov 17th, 2017)

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Justice League isn't good but I'm with Jye, it's still better than Batman Forever.

Batman Forever is the worst live action Batman movie, period. It's abysmal.

I actually prefer B&R because at least that brings the laughs it’s the 66 show with a massive budget, perfect!

Nothing funny about BF it’s just painful to endure.
>implyin' Batman Forever is worse than Batman & Robin
>implyin' Batman Forever is worse than Batman: The Movie

You guys need to watch more movies. The less action they have the better.
There's a lot of scenes and moments in BF that are far better than anything in De Dork Knight Rises.
And in terms of wonky portrayal of Bruce Wayne and Batman they're on the same level.
At least with BF you can take it's wonkyness for what it is because of the colorful story with colorful visuals. TDKRises, on the other hand, takes itself so seriously that every time it makes a mistake (which is often) you can't even laugh at how bad it is.

... makes me laugh hysterically but at least it does makes some sort of sense in the context of the story.
And it doesn't make me hate Batman. It only reminds me of how silly the character really is in reality.

Now this...

... is just pure cringe.
The stupidity of this scene, especially in the context of the entire trilogy, is beyond mortal human's comprehension.
It makes me so mad I wanna yell profanities at a lighting engineer.
Why do I get the feeling DC may maje batman light hearted and goofy like the 60s one in response to avengers and Jl. Damn that’d be the final nail for me.

Next Batman movie should literally be red hood. It was set up! It’s a no brainer. I don’t understand how those people think
Which is true Khev and just like ironwez always points out no one should be celebrating or taking great pleasure with what WB has done.

Agreed. I never would have dreamed that I'd ever be having such a hard time coming up with a reason to talk myself into owning the freaking *JUSTICE LEAGUE* at home. And that's a huge bummer.

In other news www.thedigitalbits.com posted a lengthy review on the upcoming TLJ 4K UHD and it sounds like it's a reference quality audio/video delight across the board. :rock

Johnson allegedly talks about how he tied almost every single scene in TLJ to something in the OT. The multiple versions of Luke at Kylo's bedside? All to show how truth can be blurred by having the incorrect "point of view." Genius. I'd put Johnson's SW knowledge above all the bashers here combined (except JAWS since he concedes that Luke's arc in TLJ is awesome. ;))
Agreed. I never would have dreamed that I'd ever be having such a hard time coming up with a reason to talk myself into owning the freaking *JUSTICE LEAGUE* at home. And that's a huge bummer.

In other news www.thedigitalbits.com posted a lengthy review on the upcoming TLJ 4K UHD and it sounds like it's a reference quality audio/video delight across the board. :rock

Johnson allegedly talks about how he tied almost every single scene in TLJ to something in the OT. The multiple versions of Luke at Kylo's bedside? All to show how truth can be blurred by having the incorrect "point of view." Genius. I'd put Johnson's SW knowledge above all the bashers here combined (except JAWS since he concedes that Luke's arc in TLJ is awesome. ;))

I thought TLJ was awesome just for the fact it turned the SW universe and made it unpredictable instead of by-the-numbers like alot of folks want it
I thought TLJ was awesome just for the fact it turned the SW universe and made it unpredictable instead of by-the-numbers like alot of folks want it

Yep it was the first truly surprising SW film since ESB. I also loved that even though Luke had grown to hate the "legend" of both himself and the Jedi Order he knew that in order for the Resistance to survive (and possibly entire galaxy as well) that the legend needed to be restored so that's exactly what he did in front of both entire armies. It was the ending that TDKR teased but never delivered on IMO.
I get that it makes sense story wise and probably would be fittin' for the MoS/BvS Snyder's version of the DCCU... But I just really don't like Jason Todd as a character. :lol Plus it doesn't fit within WB's new lighthearted tone for the franchise. I'd prefer a solo Nightwing movie set in Bludhaven.
Thought I would like it more when I saw it on blu Ray in HD. Still very underwhelming. This plot was really a mess :thud:
I get that it makes sense story wise and probably would be fittin' for the MoS/BvS Snyder's version of the DCCU... But I just really don't like Jason Todd as a character. :lol Plus it doesn't fit within WB's new lighthearted tone for the franchise. I'd prefer a solo Nightwing movie set in Bludhaven.

I take it you voted for him to die in the comics lol
Johnson allegedly talks about how he tied almost every single scene in TLJ to something in the OT. The multiple versions of Luke at Kylo's bedside? All to show how truth can be blurred by having the incorrect "point of view." Genius. I'd put Johnson's SW knowledge above all the bashers here combined (except JAWS since he concedes that Luke's arc in TLJ is awesome. ;))

Too bad he tied everything together in all the most poorly done ways. :( For me at least.

Does not matter how much he may tie ideas to the OT (such as the certain point of view).. You can have as many small moments as you want.. But there were just as many bad moments to offset those and then the overall story brings it down even more.

Its still better then AOTC though.. So thats something I guess ;)

Its cool that it has its fans (Khev, Jye and the six other guys). This was IMO just average SW .For me the new trilogy is probably beyond saving. I just don't dig the new characters at all and I have no excitement for the final film.

I have been able to separate the PT from the OT and will do the same with this NT.

As for JL... Well I watched parts of it on Blu Ray the other night... It seems to play better on the big screen... At the same time when watching it all I can hear is Khev and Jye's complaints about the film.. So that may have some effect. :lol
I enjoyed it for what it was in the theater. It was nice to see the JL fighting together. But it is a goofy film.. Awful villain and main story hurt this film for sure.

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