Waitlist 4 lyfe
lol yep, I agree Kamando.
I find it hard to believe that they wouldn't have Aquaman in there, what with the way DC's been pushing the character as of late.
Marvel handled their build up to the Avengers so well. I'm not expecting the same result here.
Marvel handled their build up to the Avengers so well. I'm not expecting the same result here.
imo leave out Batman and put in Aquaman, Aquaman hasn't been featured on-screen yet so he's fresh and exciting, Batman has been done lots and lots of times already and it's quite soon from the last trilogy to avoid the hate from nolanbabies.
But it's not a necessity
No, it really is necessary. They didn't just make the Justice League as the first comic book featuring these characters. They were all introduced individually and then brought together. That's what Marvel did with the Avengers film and it paid off BIG! WB is just trying to make a quick buck on that success without the investment that Marvel put into their franchise. Big mistake and I hope it bombs miserably for their greed.
You're opposed to their greed producing a successful movie?
No, I feel that it could, in fact, work. Of the main 5 that have been announced (providing that information is accurate), 4 are household names and one had a movie out recently(continuity doesn't matter, the people now know who Hal Jordan is). Personally, I think that WB are taking a huge risk by doing JL right off the bat, but, if they can pull it off, risk garners reward; big time. I'm kind of glad if this is the direction they take because it proves that they've got enough cajones to do what they feel is right, rather than "How to make DC movies the Marvel Way."
I've said it countless times before, and I'll say it again, a lot of these characters are untested when it comes to solo films (I.e. Flash, Wonder Woman), and this could work to their advantage and act as a spring board to get those films out of development hell, and on to the silver screen.
imo leave out Batman and put in Aquaman, Aquaman hasn't been featured on-screen yet so he's fresh and exciting, Batman has been done lots and lots of times already and it's quite soon from the last trilogy to avoid the hate from nolanbabies.
But it's not a necessity
If done RIGHT, it could work. But it won't be. They're just looking to cash in as quickly as possible on the Avengers hype. They thought they were doing Green Lantern right, even said GL 2 was green lit during production of GL 1. And that was a big flop. And Man of Steel has yet to be tested either. Snyder has only really had one hit and that was 300. Watchmen was good, but it was a very niche film and wasn't the superhero blockbuster some thought. And Sucker Punch is exactly what he did to the people that paid for that movie to get made. So of Man of Steel follows his films since 300, WB is going to have yet another major flop on their hands and very little time to decided whether to drop MoS continuity (and actors) for Justice League if they want to keep their 2015 release date.
The only successful WB superhero films lately have been Nolan's Batmans and we all know those are done. So they've really got nothing to stand on right now and diving head first into a huge endeavor like Justice League without some favorable lead ins, is very, very risky and very, very stupid.
Snyder has yet to make a bad film, period.
The characters in Justice League don't require lead-in solo films going into it like Avengers did (especially Iron Man and Thor). To the average Joe, Batman, Superman, and Wonder Woman are as iconic as it gets. The film need only be good, and the rest will take care of itself.
WATCHMEN is good and I will fight you to the death over it.
Pistols at dawn!