OT Preferist
Re: Keaton Batman
Nice teasers... and as expected you really are able to capture how nice the figure really looks
Nice teasers... and as expected you really are able to capture how nice the figure really looks

Those close-ups look great, Sean.
I know you love those dark and moody shots, but can you take one that is in brighter light so we can see the whole figure clearly? Just to see it as a whole. Thanks!
Alright, well, I wish I had a Hollywood rig system, but in my own room this is what I could get to reenact Batman crashing through the art museum ceiling.
Hey Maul, did you gloss the bottom of the boots or did they come that way... mine are flat, and I think Pjam's were as well.
Great shots, can't wait for mine now!
How is the back of the suit under the cape? Not that it matters since it is covered but curious about the construction of the suit.
Last one for tonight, a closing shot to close out the day.
Bwahahahahaha.Aweseome... interesting that the boots came different. Oh well, easy to change on mine.
Anyway, here's a bit o' fun with Bats and my new Pred2, ala Dead End...