Re: Keaton Batman
Did you treat the cape in anyway to get it to lay over his shoulder so well, I tried with mine a few times but it was very puffy on his shoulder and didn't cooperate very well.
I treated it with a hell of a lot of care and futz'd it for a good few minutes. Now the fabric that the cape is made out of "buckles" a lot when you are folding it back, so I actually did it with the figure upside down, so I could work the "buckled" corners out with the folds and then I used the heat from the blow-dryer to get the cape to drape naturally over his back. It takes some practice

lol I can't believe I said that, practice your cape folding boys!)
I think the best way to do this is to get the cape edges on both sides and fold them up the neck as you can, watching out for the point for the end of the mask. Then crease the cape at that same point (the point end of the mask on the shoulder, then folding that crease back in the same manner you did with the cape edge and then continue this process of folding back the creases over the shoulders. As I already state the cape fabric will buckle and you'll need to get them out by moving the figure upside down, basically the crease should run from the mask to the end of the cape smoothly. Then once done, keeping crease in position, use the hair-dryer to get it to drape nicely back over the shoulders! I always like the suit better went the cape was back and you could see the torso detail better!
Hope that all makes sense & helps!
I have to agree, Grange. I LOVE that photo!

As for posing the cape, you probably just have to work it with your hands and a bit of patience. I imagine it would take that shape as easily as it takes on the wrinkles during shipping.
Thanks I'm glad you do! I don't have a decent camera at all and most of the pictures come out blurry, I was shooting them at standing height and I don't have a tripod, so I was holding the camera on a top of a bloom handle to keep it steady and got luck with a almost clear shot... But I think it's the pose that's great. I haven't change it since.
Yeah and as for the cape, you just need to be very patient and work with it a bit... Great figure!!! Thanks a lot Shawn!
And thanks again for the compliments on the photos everyone, not as good as Maulfan his the king!