Keaton Batman- Custom

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Re: Keaton Batman

I don't remember getting a shipping notice either... although he did send me an email letting me know it was coming. Guess he just liked us earlier guys better :lol
Re: Keaton Batman


Sovereign Freaks $125 Plus Shipping Group Rate Order Status
*+1- Dekdave Received Figure
*+2- pjam Received Figure
*+3- Cocoboloboy Received Figure

*+4- Creecher Received Figure
*+5- MaulFan Received figure
*+6- galacticboy Received Figure

*+7- kl241 Received Figure
*+8- metaphorge Received Figure
*+9- sladesuperagent Received Figure

*+10- EVILFACE Received Figure
*+11- Batman5 Received Figure
*+12- grangewallisRecieved Figure
*+13- Natrix Paid - Shipping Soon
*+14- wookilar8 Recieved Figure
*+15- vader70450 Paid - Recieved Figure

*+16- gruff old bear Paid. Exits Cave, Sniffs Air. - Shipping Soon
*+17- Darkartist Paid - Shipping Soon
*+18- Cocoboloboy Paid - Shipping Soon

*+19- ?
*+20- ?
*+21- Jiminydog

*+22- Kabukiman
*+23- IrishJedi
*+24- ?

*+25- screamingmetal
*+27- abstractharmony

* = Info Received by Shawn.
+ = Contacted by Shawn.

Shawn will do 3 or so at a time.

All Future BatFreak Orders Please contact Shawn Directly @

Here's the list. I have no idea how accurate it is now though. I think I have the versions that ones have recieved/are recieving correct.

V3 is starting to arrive!:chew
Re: Keaton Batman

Well, it finally came! I'm in love with it thanks Shawn... It did however sink of cigarette smoke, I have it airing out outside. I'm really, really happy with it on the whole. I think you've done an marvelous job on the figure. The armour does allow for load of movement, more than I expected (poster's note, I have the V2 with the new head, but with resin head & boots) The cape works well, I recommend the blow-dyer to get it to fall more to your liking.

It's been said before the eye paint is incredible! top-notch figure all in all. 4 out of 5 stars, personally... My first custom by the way.:cool:

Here are some quick pictures! (which is what everyone should be doing once they receive this figure, is posting pictures of it!!!:D)





Re: Keaton Batman

Sovereign Freaks $125 Plus Shipping Group Rate Order Status
*+1- Dekdave Received Figure
*+2- pjam Received Figure
*+3- Cocoboloboy Received Figure

*+4- Creecher Received Figure
*+5- MaulFan Received figure
*+6- galacticboy Received Figure

*+7- kl241 Received Figure
*+8- metaphorge Received Figure
*+9- sladesuperagent Received Figure

*+10- EVILFACE Received Figure
*+11- Batman5 Received Figure
*+12- grangewallisReceived Figure
*+13- Natrix Paid - Shipping Soon
*+14- wookilar8 Paid - Shipping Soon
*+15- vader70450 Paid - Shipping Soon

*+16- gruff old bear Paid. Exits Cave, Sniffs Air. - Shipping Soon
*+17- Darkartist Paid - Shipping Soon
*+18- Cocoboloboy Paid - Shipping Soon

*+19- ?
*+20- ?
*+21- Jiminydog

*+22- Kabukiman
*+23- IrishJedi
*+24- ?

*+25- screamingmetal
*+27- abstractharmony

* = Info Received by Shawn.
+ = Contacted by Shawn.

Shawn will do 3 or so at a time.

All Future BatFreak Orders Please contact Shawn Directly @

Here's the list. I have no idea how accurate it is now though. I think I have the versions that ones have recieved/are recieving correct.

:chew As I have now received my figure! JOY!!!:chew
Re: Keaton Batman

Nice pics grange. That new head sculpt is awesome. I hope the rubber cast that V3 has looks as tight as that.

And like grange said, EVERYONE needs to post pics. Sorry but it's the law.:D
Re: Keaton Batman

Nay, nay, more clearer update. #16 has arrived. :D He's here. Airing him out; he does stink a bit. Warmed the cape up so its wrinkles from traveling are all relaxed out. Photos tomorrow.

Congrats Gruff and grange. Good things DO come to those who wait! :D

Can't wait to see more pics Guys.
Re: Keaton Batman

Good stuff guys. I can hear the excitement in your posts. I must admit, I am jealous of youse having the extra mods.

Hey Grange, how long did it take all up to get to you?

And a merry Christmas to you all, and if Gruff has his, that would be to Vader, Natrix, wooki, DA and Coco, as well, or soon enough. Happy New Year.
Re: Keaton Batman

6 weeks, I think Creecher... I'm so happy with the figure. The fact that a V3 is out now was bothering be before I got the figure, but I couldn't careless now... Amazing figure! But Bruce Wayne really needs to cut back with the cigarettes, can't fight crime with lung cancer you know!
Re: Keaton Batman

I notice that the new version 3 rubber head, while probably feeling better and a little more posability, doesn't appear as smooth as the resin one. The resin head looks like a statue head on an action figure body. While I'm not saying that's a bad thing, I just think the all rubber looks more uniform. Not sure which look I prefer. Am I the only one seeing it.

Nevermind, either one is a winner.
Re: Keaton Batman

I notice that the new version 3 rubber head, while probably feeling better and a little more posability, doesn't appear as smooth as the resin one. The resin head looks like a statue head on an action figure body. While I'm not saying that's a bad thing, I just think the all rubber looks more uniform. Not sure which look I prefer. Am I the only one seeing it.

Nevermind, either one is a winner.

Noticed the same thing :)

I think more detail can be obtained with casting in resin - rubber is not so easy to do this.

That is why I prefer the resin look.
Re: Keaton Batman

I notice that the new version 3 rubber head, while probably feeling better and a little more posability, doesn't appear as smooth as the resin one. The resin head looks like a statue head on an action figure body. While I'm not saying that's a bad thing, I just think the all rubber looks more uniform. Not sure which look I prefer. Am I the only one seeing it.

Nevermind, either one is a winner.

I can't keep track of what you guys have, can you post a side by side of images, I have the resin one so I can give my thoughts if I can clearly see what the rubber looks like.
Re: Keaton Batman

grange has the resin head V2 I believe. I really like the look of it.

Where are the pics of V3 guys? I have a feeling I'm gonna prefer the resin cast over the V3 rubber cast but we'll see.
Re: Keaton Batman

grange has the resin head V2 I believe. I really like the look of it.

Where are the pics of V3 guys? I have a feeling I'm gonna prefer the resin cast over the V3 rubber cast but we'll see.

I have the V2, it's infinitely better then v1 with the simple neck change, but if the v3 isn't so hot as people are saying, I'll probably feel better having the better look versus the more "action" figure.

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